

Time seemed to slowly crawl by while I was waiting for Friday. When it finally arrived, my nerves kicked into high gear. All week, I had been writing pick me up reminders to myself on sticky notes, and they circled my mirror. I took a moment to read through them. Breathe. You are an intelligent woman. Don't chatter non-stop. Smile. Do not worry. You are worthy. You deserve to be happy. They were simple, but reading them helped me calm down.

I smiled at the new one that Kim had added in the center of my mirror. Have fun. I took a sip from the glass of chilled white wine that she had delivered to my bathroom before leaving for her shift at Biggie's.

Since I still had over an hour before I needed to meet Devin at the restaurant, I decided to take a bubble bath. The wine and bath must have been just what I needed because I was almost calm as I donned my denim mini skirt and the v-neck, light pink tee shirt that Kim had chosen for the occasion. I still couldn't believe that she had loaned me her favorite cowboy boots with the pastel flowers swirling around them, but they looked fantastic, and gave me just the extra boost of confidence that I needed as I walked to Biggie's.

Biggie's was one of the only full-service, waterfront restaurants in town, and it was bustling with activity when I arrived. Thankfully, Kim had promised to save us a table. She ran over to greet me as soon as I walked in. "You look fantastic!" she gushed. "He isn't going to be able to keep his hands off you." Her enthusiasm was contagious as she covered my eyes and led me over to the table that she and I normally shared on girls' night.

"Ta-da!" she yelled when she removed her hands to reveal how the table had been transformed. Twinkle lights sparkled from above the booth and along the back of the table, a lit candle created a subtle glow, and a bouquet of fresh wildflowers had been placed in a water glass at the center of the table.

"Oh, Kim. It's beautiful! You treat me like a princess," I said with watery eyes.

"You deserve only the best," she whispered in my ear before sliding up to the bar to grab a tray of drinks for one of her tables.

I knew when Devin arrived because the group of ladies sitting across from me stopped talking and turned to gaze at him. He walked to my table and grinned at me. "You're even more beautiful than I remembered."

I blushed and then chuckled as Kim walked behind him fanning herself with a hand, and silently mouthing the words "hubba hubba." She was right. Devin looked like a Greek god, and I could not believe he was here with me. His dark hair was slightly damp, as if he'd just gotten out of the shower. He was clean-shaven and smelled like Irish Spring. His black tee shirt was just tight enough to show off his flat abs and bulging biceps. And, speaking of bulges, his jeans were snug enough to give a tantalizing hint of his junk. I had to pry my eyes away.

As he sat down, he commented, "Wow, it looks like we scored the best seats in the house."

I grinned, "I know people."

Kim stopped by with a quick, "Hi, I'm Kim. Take good care of my girl or we'll have words." She waggled a warning finger at Devin with a smile, before hustling off to her next table. She had arranged for one of the other waitresses to take care of us. That had surprised me at first, but being her thoughtful self, she had probably figured I would be more comfortable without her stopping by the table periodically all evening.

Devin and I split a bottle of white wine from a local vineyard and an appetizer platter full of fried, fabulous, fattening goodies. Then we topped it all off with a brownie sundae. It was a perfect evening filled with interesting conversation, laughter, and great food.

Devin surprised me by turning towards the bar and asking, "How long do you think it will be before your friend and the bartender hook up?"

I gave him a sideways look. "Kim? And Biggie? He's her boss," I responded, shaking my head.

"Well, they've been giving each other googly eyes all night," he countered.

I sat back in my seat, thinking that one over for a minute. Could he be right? Kim loved sex and men, but she had never shown an interest in keeping one around for more than a couple of dates. As I contemplated it, I realized that she did act different around Biggie, whose real name is Brad. I had always chalked it up to him being her employer.

I watched Brad working the bar with his customary laid back ease. He was kind of cute, with his slightly scruffy, dirty-blonde hair. His style tended towards tee shirts and flip-flops, while Kim was a glamour girl. "Hmm," I said aloud as I tilted my head, pondering him.

Devin coughed. "Please don't gaze at another guy while you are out with me. You're going to give me an inferiority complex." He smiled after he said it to let me know he was teasing.

"Well, then you better work to keep my attention," I retorted quickly, openly flirting with him.

"Let's get out of here then, and find someplace where I can have you all to myself. How about a walk along the water?" he asked.

"I'd love to," I responded, deciding to give more thought to the Kim and Brad idea.

As Devin paid Brad at the bar, Kim slid behind me and whispered in my ear. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I chuckled as I turned to her and asked, "What would that be?"

"There isn't much that would be off-limits with that fine hunk of man," she mumbled under her breath as I turned to leave with Devin. "Have fun!" She yelled the words to both of us, as Devin placed his hand gently on my back and guided me out of the restaurant.

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