


I let out a sigh of relief when the door opened, revealing a maid instead of Daniel or his assistant. My heart was still pounding from the close call, the stolen paperwork tucked securely into the back of my pants. I had to think quickly.

"Are you alright, miss?" the maid asked, concern etched across her face.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine," I lied, forcing a smile. "Just feeling a bit lightheaded after my fainting spell earlier."

She nodded sympathetically. "Mr. Prescott sent me to check on you. He was quite worried when you collapsed."

Feigning nonchalance, I waved my hand dismissively. "That's kind of him, but I'll be just fine. You can tell him not to trouble himself any further."

The maid hesitated, clearly unsure if she should leave me alone after the dramatic events. Pressing on, my tone grew firmer yet polite. "Really, I insist. I just need some rest, that's all."

Finally, she acquiesced with a reluctant nod. "Very well, miss. I'll let Mr. Prescott know."

As soon as she left, closi
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