
Chapter Four

They were a cool set of flawless grey.

His eyes, they swirled and for a second I got lost searching them. They were enthralling, dark and penetrating. Wow! this man was stunning.

Those jerks were going to wipe this from the face of the earth and deprive people from beholding his beauty.

The thing with beautiful people is they were either taken or crazy and in rare cases both. Which one was he?

"What are you thinking about?" He asked evading my question.

"You are beautiful."

That got a chuckle from him, the hard lines at the corner of his eyes easing and did I think this man was beautiful before? Now he looked like he couldn't be from this world, like we didn't breathe the same air.

"That's a first for me."


"Being called beautiful."

That couldn't be, how do people be around this and not admit it. He was a hot blend of hard muscles with a defined figure strewn with scars from hard work which added to his character but his face told a different story. He looked like an angel but under the abyss of his eyes he'd lead you to hell. I was staring again, blatantly, he waved a hand over my face calling me back and I instantly averted my gaze, a hard blush creeping up my face.

"Well you are," I said attempting to play it off as cool.

"You didn't answer my question." The sooner he was out of my life the better.

"SO quick to get rid of your guest."

"Not a guest, you are a walking threat to me. I'd be blind not to see it." His long pause affirmed it.

I was no longer stationed at my door, now I took the couch. In my head I didn't think he'd hurt me.

"I can't go now, one step out that door and those men after me would be back to finish the job. You see they really hate me."

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask why but I bit back my curiosity. I don't have to know.

"Have me for one more day." He tried to move again, groaning as he raised himself up and resting against the headboard.

That spiked my annoyance. "Didn't I say you couldn't move carelessly," I snapped.

Looking down at his dressing he winced. "Don't be mad... I'm bleeding."

I let out a gust of air, glaring at him. "I like you better unconscious."

A boyish grin graced his face. "That hurt Mia eroina." He placed a hand over his chest.

"Stop calling me that." I resisted a smile.

Great he's charming too.

Getting up and grabbing the kit, I walked up to the bed taking my usual spot next to him. I didn't miss the way he observed my every move, it made me jittery.

Unbinding the bandage, I cleaned the blood off his skin and put a warm pad over it. He needed stitches for better results. Rolling out a new bandage, I finally met his gaze. They were so intently on me, my breathing wavered.

"You need stitches."

"I do." That sounded absent minded.

Shaking my head at him, I helped rebandage him and this time it was easier since he was conscious and could lift up enough for me to take it round. This one was more secure.

"Don't make a habit of getting hurt, you'll get more scars." The words just rolled out, my hand moving mindlessly and caressing an old one just below his wound.

It took the shape of a heart, looking more like a carving... Did someone mark him like this? Again it was on my tongue to ask.

His hand over mine dragged my gaze to his face. His eyes were hooded and his breathing shallow. "You won't be doing that if you knew what I was thinking."

"What are you thinking?"

"I want to kiss you."

I shook at his admission, dropping a needy look at his inviting lips. This gorgeous man wants to kiss me.

Thinking of what it would be like got me hot and bothered and he looked like he could read my mind.

The sheets covering his lower half were tented, I watched it rise with my bottom lip between my teeth.

“Mirabella.” he's said my name before and every time I couldn't help my reaction to it, the way he drew out the end of my name, rumbling the last syllable in his accent.

What was it about this man that didn't allure my interest? I really needed that answer so I could focus on it and expel him for my brain.

How could I even entertain thoughts of kissing him? I needed him out.

"You look at me like you want me to, I wonder if I take your lips will it ruin me?" his voice was rough, on edge like he was barely holding on.

I shouldn't fall for his words, didn't I learn from my past? I didn't even know him.

But isn't that the best part?

“You’re a player, aren’t you?”

Subtly he rubbed slow circles on my hand with his thumb. “Player,” he said as if testing out the word. "Why would you think that?"

“You are trying to get inside my head, playing games with me.” I wasn't stupid enough to fall for one twice.

Remember the reality setting slap?

He corked his head to the side, gazing at me from another angle. “I may play games Mirabella, but I'll bend the rules so you'd always win.”

I shivered at his remark.

"Let me kiss you, the only taste of heaven a man like me can get."

His words were messing with me. I could kiss him, let go for the night and be gone by tomorrow. It made it all the better that I didn't know him, we'd never see again. No strings attached.

Why do I have to say no to this? The subtle voice of reason in my head found this all acceptable.

He was reading me, learning my tells and something in my expression must have given away my submission because he’d cupped my face and pulled me in.

Our faces were just slightly apart, I perceived his warm breaths against my mouth. He held me there peering at my face and the way this man beheld me made me feel like a fragile diamond but diamonds weren't in the least fragile then how was he doing that?

Tilting his head up, his firm lips pressed a lingering kiss to my temple, then he moved to my cheeks. My lips trembled in anticipation, he also kissed just by the corner of my lips. So close but not where I wanted it to be.

I didn't know what to make of it, he was being slow and taking his time and I really wanted to know what he was thinking.

A whimper slipped from my mouth and that got his attention, his hooded eyes met my hazy ones and He leaned down and trailed his warm, firm lips along the side of my neck.

He continued a trail lower and I gasped as he nibbed on the skin around my collarbone. desperation clawed at me, I wanted his lips against mine but he continued his tease. "I thought you wanted to kiss me." I panted, almost breathless.

"Yes... Everywhere."

My ability to think was slowly fading.

"Your shoulders," he said, puncturing his words with a kiss there.

"Behind your ear," kiss. I shuddered and from his smirk I knew he noticed I was sensitive there.

"Your lovely hands," kiss.

"Your maddening lips."

He moved to kiss me there, yet he hesitated, as if relishing that he was about to kiss me. "Sto per perdermi." His lips grazed mine so lightly... A feathered brush that had me parting my lips.

He was seducing me and I let him. Slanting his mouth over mine and finally contact. The heat of his lips sent shivers radiating through me, stunning me. I was too shocked to move, to breathe

I've been kissed before but not like this, never like this.

My eyes fluttered close as I relaxed into his hold.

He commanded my pleasure, his tongue teased between my lips, coaxing me to open my mouth and accept his kiss. The sensations were unfamiliar, pleasing, mind numbing.

Warmth flooded my body, centering between my thighs. I swallowed, his heavy erection pressing against my ass.

With his tongue he stroked mine so sensuously, muting any fleeting thoughts of stopping this with him. My hands eased, going to his shoulders. His own hands moved to my waist, pulling me in.

I let him guide me, moving closer and straddling him. "Wait, your wound."

“Ah, my sweet girl, sei irreale.” I liked him purring in his language.

He captured my lips again and I couldn’t stop myself from giving a tentative kiss back. He groaned against my mouth, so I did it again.

“Così bello ache potrei impazzire,” he rasped with a lick against my lips.

He was so absorbed, I didn't think he knew he spoke a different language.

His head dropped to rest on my shoulder, his hand now tucked up under my sweater just below my tits. “I had no idea skin could be so soft.” He rasped, stroking me there and moving higher.

I revealed in the feeling, my skin prickled in the wake of his caress.

"Would you let me worship you Mirabella?"

Worship me? Fuck I couldn't imagine the pleasures he would make me feel. Already I was on edge just from his kisses and his cock was huge.

Just for the night, I convinced myself.

I was dizzy with desire as I whispered. "Yes."

A growl ripped from his throat. He moved without warning or care of his wounds, flipping us so I'd lay on the bed with him over me. I was about to protest when he bunched up my sweater in one hand and pulled up my sweater revealing the black cami I had on.

My cheeks heated, I closed my eyes.

"Look at me, see me lose myself in this."

His gaze flickered from my face to my chest, the heat in his eyes devoured me. My nipples strained even harder at the attention, almost a discomfort. He pinched them through the silk, I jerked with a cry that turned to another moan.

“Not a single blemish." he groaned. "Silk is the only thing that should ever cover breasts this exquisite.”

"Tell me to touch you, that you need my hands on you,” he commanded. "Anything you want I'll give to you Mirabella, just say the word."

I was too far gone to feel embarrassed.

That seemed to please him, he responded by molding them in his big hand, circling the flesh but avoiding my nipples.

Jolts of pleasure running through me. My pussy clenched and I needed him to feel me there, a single touch and I'm gone.

His cock pulsed against my soaked shorts. I attempted to roll my hips, seeking for that friction but he wasn't having that, keeping his hot throbbing shaft from me and I groaned in frustration. "Need something?" he taunted.

"Please, touch them."

The fine grey of his eyes had taken a darker shade. "like this?"

He flicked the sensitive bud.

"Ahhh! fuck." I jerked, my body feeling overstimulated.

I was shaking, ready to blow. As much as I craved his mouth on me, if he licked them I would combust, unable to stop my release and I had a feeling he knew that. Was that his goal all along?

"This pink looks great on you, I'm obsessed." around my right nipple he blew cool air on the peak, driving me even further apart from sanity. "Say the word and it's yours."

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