
2. All the King's Men.

MARCH 18, 2013 | 10:24am


BEA LARSON steps into Lucian's office, eyeing him with something like amusement and respect in her eyes.

Even despite the burning feeling of annoyance she feels inside.

Bea Larson:

I must ask.

She walks to his desk eyeing the neat room, then the neat man. She sits on the couch, making a noisy squeal resonate across the office.

Bea Larson:


He looks out the window, then peers at her with a risen eyebrow.

Lucian Slater:

You seem like a smart woman. You tell me why I'm hesitant to accept your business.

He averts his gaze, still rifling through the drawers. Cursing inaudibly as his eyebrows knit together to give away his frustration.

Lucian Slater (Whispering):

Where is that goddamn check?!

He shakes his head, stands up straight, and places his left hand akimbo.

Bea Larson:

Your partner isn't too pleased.

She motions to the loud clanging on metal outside the office.

Lucian Slater:

He'll be fine. This is what's best for him.

He shakes his head, pondering why Chuck was questioning his motives.

They had been business partners and friends for years, always watching each other's backs. Lucian and Chuck started out as small-time mechanics and developers right out of secondary school. Doing any small job, they could acquire, to pull in money to try and build a business.

Bea Larson:

I'll try not to be offended.

Lucian hands her a slip of paper, and she glances at it with a wary eye.

Lucian Slater:

Ok. I'll leave it here then. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I can't accept whatever this is.

He gestures to the check, still unsettled by his decision, but proud, nonetheless.

Bea Larson:

You're willing you to skip out on five thousand dollars for a simple job that will cost me ninety percent less if I take it to somebody in the projects?

She smiles, then sits at the edge of his desk. Her eyes drift to the framed photo standing right beside the safe. Curled up in his lap, is a sleeping two-year-old Gael clinging to his father. Their uncanny resemblance is enviable, despite the apparency of Gael's biracial ethnicity.

Bea Larson:

I'll make it fifteen if you can manage to look the other way. Just trust that whatever is in that safe, won't bring you any trouble. The money, however, is all yours. No extra strings attached.

Lucian Slater:

It needs a program capable of disabling the locks. It's a puzzle with an archaic locking mechanism. I don't have those resources.

Bea Larson:

I wouldn't have sought you out if I thought you incapable of fixing my problem, Mr Slater.

Lucian Slater:

Is that so?

Bea Larson:

Your son is beautiful.

His gaze slides to the photo, but he slams it down, careful not to break it.

Lucian Slater:

Take your business elsewhere.

Lucian moves around his desk with a pensive glance that pins her in place.

Before she can respond, Lucian's phone rings and he fishes it from his pocket to answer.

Lucian Slater:


A look of concern crosses his handsome features.

Lucian Slater:

I'll be there in five minutes.

Bea Larson:

Something wrong?

Lucian picks up the check and takes the woman's hand. He earns a gasp from her, but he places it in her hand.

Lucian Slater:

I'm sorry about this, but I don't want any trouble, and this seems like a world of it.

Before she can blink, he's out of the door. Chuck walks back into the office and leans against the door.

Lucas Chuck:

He's concerned about the bullet holes.

Bea Larson:

Anyone would be.

She smiles.

Bea Larson:

But I guess he has spoken.

Lucian Slater:

Look, Lucian might be... anxious, but he's cautious for a reason. The extra ten grand may have triggered that part of him.

He smiles and walks into the office.

Lucas Chuck:

You and I can sort something out, but you have to tell me the truth.

He glances down at her, and she sighs heavily.

Bea Larson:

You would go against his will?

Lucas Chuck:

I've been meaning to... branch out.

He shrugs and she nods, regarding him with a margin of respect in her cautious, but desperate gaze.

Bea Larson:

Text me your mailing address.

Her gaze fixed on him, she turns and leaves the office.

MARCH 18, 2013 | 10:33am


HALO ushers Gael Slater into an empty classroom, with a simple setup. The boy moves towards the teacher's desk and plops down into the chair before it. Halo pauses at the door, a little worse for wear.

He didn't expect fighting from Gael, of all children in the school. The bullies had never gotten to him before, and the adoring teacher could understand the pressure getting to him.

Halo Noel:

Help me understand.

Halo walks towards the desk and sits at the edge.

Halo Noel:

Matter of fact, let me be less impartial about the fighting.

He slips into the chair beside Gael.

Halo Noel:

Are you ok?

Surprised, Gael glances back at the man with a wry look in his eyes.

Gael Slater:

He took Jessie's book.

His petulant frown doesn't hide his disdain, but he clutches the book to his chest. Halo sighs with a marginal hint of understanding and exasperation.

Gael Slater:

I know what I did was wrong.

Halo's eyes pop open in surprise.

Halo Noel:


He nods at the boy.

Halo Noel:

What's next for you?

Gael rolls his eyes, but he speaks up despite his trauma.

Gael Slater: (In Modern Arabic):

I must apologize.

Halo smiles and smoothes Gael's hair back.

Halo Noel:

That is a particularly good start, Gael.

Gael Slater:

He's always messing with the other kids. I'm glad he's met his match because now he won't be able to tease any of the other children.

He gives another petulant frown again, then slumped into the chair.

Gael Slater:

I don't care if you punish me. I only care that those other kids have to deal with a pig head who doesn't know any better.

In his mind, Halo praises Gael but he couldn't express it in real life. He understood why the boy did what he did. Assessed it as something he did to protect another student, even at the cost of his own account.

Lucian Slater (In distance):

Where the hell is my son!?

Halo looks towards the door, startled by the voices, but the familiar huskiness of Lucian Slater's voice rattles him out of the chair.

Halo Noel:

Stay here.

He gives the boy's shoulder one last squeeze. As he steps out, he sees Calum trying to appease Lucian, but the man grows even more furious.

Calum Beauchamp:

Mr Slater, the situation is under control. You don't need to create a scene.

Lucian pushes past him and halts when he sees Halo.

Halo Noel:

Mr Beauchamp. I'll take it from here.

Halo smiles, and the man glances at him with a worried glance.

Calum Beauchamp:

You sure?

Halo nods with a reassuring smile.

Calum Beauchamp:

I'll go check on Jason. I'm fairly sure his parents want to know why your son attacked him.

Lucian Slater:

Gael doesn't attack people. He's human, and he got provoked by bullies.

Lucian fumes, fists clenched tightly but Calum turns up his nose.

Calum Beauchamp:

Your attitude states otherwise.

Lucian scoffs.

Lucian Slater:

My attitude has nothing to do with my son protecting a helpless child from a bully.

He takes a threatening step towards Carlisle.

Halo is immediately between both men, instinctively grasping Lucian's right fist. His rigid arm softens at the warm touch and Halo's grey that dig into him.

Halo Noel:

Oh Mr Beauchamp, go check on Jason and his parents. Once Mr Slater is in his right mind, we'll convene at the Dean's office.

He doesn't look at his colleague.

He keeps his gaze trained up at Lucian's face. Glad that the man remains frozen in place by just his touch and his stare. Once Calum's footsteps recede into quietness, he releases the man's arm.

MARCH 18, 2013 | 10:35am -


LUCIAN lets out a heavy sigh and leans against the wall. Looking even more frustrated as the seconds roll by.

Lucian Slater:

I'm sorry.

Halo turns to face him with a neutral expression.

Halo Noel:

I'm not happy with the way Gael handled the situation.

Halo laments and crosses his arms over his chest.

Halo Noel:

But you should know that his reason for doing it, was to stop Jason-.

Lucian Slater:

I already heard that part.

Halo Noel:

Mr Slater, your son broke a boy's nose. Gael is the brightest child in my class. Exceptional.

Halo chuckles.

Halo Noel:

I however cannot understand.

Lucian Slater:

I wish I could explain all this, but Gael has never fought before this.

The pleading in his blue eyes doesn't go unnoticed, for Halo was quite taken with the man. It was clear that Gael was otherwise healthy. Focused on class, on his studies, and keeping his grades up. What Halo couldn't understand was the way the boy handled the situation.

Halo Noel:

I too cannot explain it.

Halo shakes his head in vehemence, then crosses his arms over his chest.

Halo Noel:

He did not seem very riled up. A little annoyed, indeed, but not angry or troubled.

His hands move in wild gesture, but his eyes hold concern and intrigue.

Lucian Slater:


The man sighs and drags his hands down his face.

Lucian Slater:

I may have taught him how to defend himself.

Halo Noel:

Did you teach a nine-year-old how to fight?

Lucian shakes his head in vehemence.

Lucian Slater:

I taught him how to defend himself. Children are brutal. Two years ago, he was the one being sent home with a bloody nose.

Halo narrows his gaze.

Halo Noel:

I understand that, Mr Slater, but Gael-.

Lucian Slater:

... is my son, Mr Noel. The Only thing I have left in my life.

His eyes plead with Halo silently, but the quiet grows loud.

Halo Noel:

I am glad he knows how to defend himself. I am also impressed with his bravery, and his compassion for sticking up for Jessie Lio, and as a teacher, I'm not supposed to say this, but...

he looks around to ensure nobody else but Lucian is in earshot.

Halo Noel:

Between you and me, Jason Joppy had it coming. If it were not Gael, it would be some other traumatized child who uses fear and could initially hurt Jason much more in that circumstance.

Lucian raises an eyebrow, gobsmacked.

Halo Noel:

I do not condone violence, especially against children, but somebody was bound to put him in his place one day.

Halo shakes his head.

Lucian Slater:

You're definitely no angel.

Halo Noel:

Why my father named me Halo remains a mystery.

Lucian Slater:

No shit? Your name is Halo?

Halo Noel:

It certainly is not Mr Noel.

Halo smiles and Lucian raises an eyebrow as the ghost of a smirk highlights his features. Halo purses his lips as he shakes his head. He then glances behind him at the door to the classroom. Visibly worried, his frown deepens when he turns back to face Lucian.

Halo Noel:

Though it makes some sort of sense. I was the miracle child. I think that is why my father dotes on me so incessantly.

He spans his arms and lets them fall.

Lucian Slater:

You and Gael have a lot in common.

Halo Noel:

We do share a love for books and carrots.

Lucian Slater:

He was a miracle child too.

Halo Noel:

Don't tell a soul, but he is my favourite.

Warmed by the gesture, and the surprise he gets from listening to Halo for the first time Lucian grins proudly.

Upon meeting the teacher, he didn't know what to expect and was too pressed for time to notice. Too in his own head and life at the time to even acknowledge Halo Noel's existence further than him being his son's teacher.

Halo Noel:

Gael is waiting inside that classroom, but I implore you not to be too tough on him.

Lucian Slater:

That's the secret to his calm, Mr Noel.

The man winces.

Lucian Slater:

I stopped being hard on him when I realized how compassionate he was towards others.

Halo Noel:

Talk to him. Let him know that his intentions were correct, but his-.

Lucian Slater:

His actions were not.

The man nods in understanding even as he cuts Halo off, but he receives a smile. The door to the classroom squeaks opens, and Gael pokes his head out. His face brightens when he sees both Halo and his father conversing comfortably.

Gael Slater:


Halo turns to him with a sombre gaze and Lucian inclines his head and lets out a cumbrous sigh.

Lucian Slater:

Come ere', bud.

Halo nods and the boy doesn't hesitate to run into his arms for a hug.

MARCH 20, 2013 | 1:01pm -


HALO NOEL enters the office lobby, passing through its pristine space with a wave at the mousy receptionist at the high desk. Hard at work as she types, but she looks up and smiles.

Ms Cordelia Rose:

Good morning, Mr Noel. She's expecting you.

He nods with a smile and knocks on the office door three times. 

Principal Janice Edwards (In Distance): Come in!

He enters, a polite smile plastered on his face.

Halo Noel:

Principal Edwards. Did you want to see me?

Halo pauses when he notices two older adults in the room. A regal woman, and a distinguished older man in his late forties.

The woman, Carolina Joppy, has a familiar head of blazing red hair and striking green eyes. She wears a floral, embroidered, navy blue dress with a crew neckline. A beautiful garment with an A-line silhouette and a hem below the knees.

Oliver Joppy wears an expensively tailored dark-blue suit with no tie. He has blue eyes, a light complexion, and fine golden-blonde hair cut short. He is a little more than average height and quite attractive, with his chiselled Irish jawline.

Principal Janice Edward:

Have a seat, Mr Noel.

Halo steps further into the room and closes the door softly. He strolls over—gazes carefully taking in Carolina and Oliver.

Oliver Joppy (Whispering):

He was the one comforting the boy.

Colin sneers, but he keeps his gaze averted when Halo narrows his gaze at him. Halo takes a seat when Principal Edwards gestures to the third chair before her desk.

Halo Noel:

Is there a problem?

Principal Janice Edwards:

I understand you were the one to break up a fight between Gael Slater and Jason Joppy?

Halo nods then pass a gaze to the gaudy, disdainful couple passing him scrutinizing looks.

Halo Noel:

Yes, I was.

Principal Janice Edwards:

And you witnessed Gael throwing the first punch?

Halo's left eye twitches and he looks from Principal Edwards to Carolina. The beautiful, older woman inclines her head. Matching his energy, though inside him burgeons impatience.

He knew at that point what the question could mean. If his perception of them was true, something would soon go awry. A thing he knows would expand the drama and exacerbate the situation to unpredictable levels.

Halo steels himself and sits up straight as he looks Principal Edwards in the eye.

Halo Noel:

I witnessed a commotion.

His answer draws a groan from a restless Oliver Joppy.

Oliver Joppy:

Think carefully about your next words, young man. I contribute to this school, so I demand you treat me with proper respect.

Halo Noel:

I did not witness the first punch, but Jessie Lio was hopping on one leg, with a bleeding knee.

Gael Slater had already engaged, but upon arrival, I witnessed him tending to Jessie Lio and his injury.

Principal Janice Edwards:

So, Gael did not throw the first punch?

Halo Noel:

Where are Mr Slater and his son? Are they not supposed to be here for Gael to give his own account?

His gaze sweeps over to Oliver and Carolina who exchanges uncomfortable looks.

Halo Noel:

Perhaps Jessie Lio as well? Since Gael Slater was attacked because he stood up to someone this year of fourth-graders know as a bully.

Oliver Joppy:

My son is not a bully!

The man stands, fuming at Halo, who does not react to his outburst.

Carolina Joppy:

Calm down, sweetheart.

She frowns over at Halo and beckons the man to sit. In reluctance, he plops back down into the chair and Carolina strokes his arm.

Carolina Joppy:

We cannot let the likes of his kind see us act like them.

Halo chuckles under his breath, but he keeps his composure and refrains from retorting distastefully.

Principal Janice Edwards:

And you are sure of this? It would not be good optics for this school if a large-scale donor's child is accused wrongfully. I have pulled all students involved out of class, where they will take the day to think about the consequences.

She smiles wryly.

Principal Janice Edwards:

I would have to suspend Gael Slater and bar him from the fourth-grade trip to Arlingfell.

Halo Noel:

I apologize for my frankness, but even you know that is a tad extreme, Principal Edwards.

Oliver Joppy:

Typical of you to get loud.

The man grits his teeth, passing Halo a scorned gaze from the corner of his eye.

Oliver Joppy:

I must applaud your unity, though being biased because he is some little brown boy-.

Halo Noel:

Little brown boy?

Halo inclines his gaze, not for a second faltering.

Halo Noel:

Or do you mean... black?

The stunned gazes of Oliver and Carolina makes Halo warm inside. Pleased he is the one to knock them down a peg. Protecting a boy who alienated himself because of the ruthless lifestyle that is preschool and society.

Principal Janice Edwards:

Mr Noel, I don't think Mr Joppy was implying-.

Halo raises a finger, and Principal Edwards narrows her gaze as she clamps her lips shut. She watches him fish his phone from his inside jacket pocket. After rapidly pressing a few buttons, a low chime sounds.

They all glance across the office at the fax machine that whirs to life.

Halo Noel:

Those are digitally scanned accounts, written by students in my class about the events.

Principal Janice Edwards:

I don't-.

Oliver Joppy:

What the hell is-.

Halo Noel:

It was a little exercise I came up with in class. A sort of therapy for the children to share and let go of this traumatic event.

Halo stands and walks over to the machine to procure the papers.

Halo Noel:

There should be a few more. I also enlisted my colleagues in having their fourth-grade groups recount the events. I will ensure they provide you with copies as I am confident, they will account for everything that transpired.

Halo hands a portion of the stack to Principal Edwards and lays the rest out before Carolina and Oliver Joppy.

Halo Noel:

As it was an exercise in language and writing development, you can expect a bit of drama, but it is our job to make sense of the language the children at this institution speak. If that is indeed our role, it is irrefutable that they all have the same thing to say, and some portrayals are rather... colourful.

Carolina Joppy:

This is absurd.

Oliver Joppy discards the stack and leans back with a vehement head shake. Carolina still reads, lips twisted up wryly.

Principal Janice Edwards:

It seems your son is immensely popular, and not in a wonderful way.

Halo Noel:

I take it you'll re-evaluate your decision to cut Gael Slater from the retreat and rescind his suspension?

Principal Edwards looks up at Halo, then back down at the papers she'd skimmed through.

After moments of reading enough sentences, and skimming to the details that matter, Principal Edwards notices they all start the same way. And with an end most unfortunate, but clear in their claims of Gael being a hero that not only came to the rescue, but tended to wounds of the aggravated. Ensured Jessie Lio, the provoked party's, safety. Even accounts of Gael attempting to avoid throwing punches. Using 'moves of a ninja' to avoid causing too much damage. Some call him a hero, others saw a boy protecting his peer with bravery unmatched.

The woman sighs and places the cluster of paper atop her desk.

Principal Janice Edward:

I will... thoroughly read these. I hereby rescind any consideration to ban Gael from attending a trip most vital to his education.

Halo Noel:

I advise calling Mr Slater to tell him that his son is no longer suspended.

Carolina Joppy:

I will ruin you.

The woman stands and points at Halo, but he smiles with a curt nod.

Halo Noel:

You do what you feel is best.

Oliver Joppy:

Are you just going to let him talk to us like that?

Oliver stares incredulously at Principal Edwards. His face red with anger, and his arms clenching into fists.

Principal Janice Edwards:

I suggest you take your son home, Mr, and Mrs Joppy.

Fuming, the man turns on his wife with an angry glare.

Oliver Joppy:

I thought you said donating to this glorified prison would help Jason.

The man stands and the woman follows suit, frantically trying to explain. Halo chuckles under his breath as he watches them leave with a trail of embarrassment behind them.

Halo Noel:

You didn't tell them.

He looks over at her with an appreciative smile.

Principal Janice Edwards:

And give them a heart attack?

Halo shrugs.

Halo Noel:

Were you really going to suspend Gael?

She shakes her head, and he smiles.

Principal Janice Edwards:

No, but I did send him and Jessie Lio home. His mother refused to come and pick him up, so he's waiting on a school-funded ride-share.

Halo Noel:

So, he's just waiting in the parking lot by himself?

The woman's eyes widen, and she opens her mouth to protest, but he sweeps out of the office.

MARCH 20, 2013 | 1:12pm -


LUCIAN straps Gael into the backseat of his four-door, silver 2010 GMC Sierra, carefully glancing at the boy. He leans against the door, sighing when the boy opens his book and resumes reading. He steps back and closes the door, but he spots Jessie Lio-alone by the dais at the entrance of the sprawling, brick building.

Lucian looks back at Gael and shuts the door. Instead of getting in the car, he walks over to Jessie. Smiling carefully to not appear as a threat.

Lucian Slater:

Hey, bud.

Jessie looks up at him, but his eyes brim with tears. Lucian instinctively moves closer to the boy and crouches to get to eye level.

Lucian Slater:

What's wrong?

Jessie sniffles.

Jessie Lio:

My mom's going to be mad at me.

Lucian Slater:

Is she coming to pick you up?

He shakes his head.

Lucian Slater:

What about your daddy?

Jessie Lio:

My mom's not coming. My father is dead, and my stepdad is a jerk. So, he won't be coming either.

He crosses his arms over his chest with a petulant frown.

Lucian Slater:

Well, I'm not gonna let you stand here by yourself all afternoon.

Lucian shakes his head and stands up.

Lucian Slater:

I'm Lucian, Gael's daddy, and he wouldn't want me to leave you out here either.

He shrugs, but just then, the car door opens, and Gael hops out.

Gael Slater (In Distance):


Jessie's face brightens at the sight of Gael, and he grabs on to Lucian's hand. Gazing up at him expectantly.

Lucian Slater:

Let's call your mom and let her know who's taking you home, ok?

As he nods, he takes out his smartphone and opens the lock. He hands it to Jessie, and the boy lets go of his hand. As expected, he dials a number and puts it to his ears.

Jessie Lio:

Mom. My friend's dad is taking me home.

He pauses.

Jessie Lio:

My friend is the one that stopped those boys from beating me up.

His face scrunches up some.

He hangs up and hands the phone to Lucian. Just then, Halo emerges from the entrance. Panting, eyes frantically searching for Jessie. An expression of relief crosses his features when he sees Lucian standing next to the boy.

Halo Noel:

There you are!

Lucian Slater:

Saw the poor boy standing outside by himself.

Halo Noel:

Complete oversight on my part.

He raises both hands in surrender.

Lucian Slater:

I don't know what kinda school y'all running here, but this little boy was just bullied, then left on the side of the street.

Halo Noel:

And I will make sure the school board hears about this.

Lucian scoffs, then shakes his head as he looks down at Jessie.

Halo Noel:

I had my class do an exercise. One that absolves Gael or Jessie of any punishment.

This gets Lucian's attention, and he perks up.

Lucian Slater:

What kind of exercise?

Halo Noel:

I had them recount the events at recess. They paint Gael in a light that convinced Principal Edwards to rethink her decision to suspend your son.

Lucian Slater:


He nods, but he looks down at Jessie.

Lucian Slater:

What about him?

Halo Noel:

I am here to ensure he is safe. I had no clue they would send him out here by himself. Even with cameras, which is a risk and absolute negligence. He is clearly the aggravated party, so there was only a suspension on the table for him.

Lucian Slater:

No shit.

Halo frowns, but at himself for guilt bridles through him.

Lucian Slater:

Well, we just called his momma. She knows I'll be dropping him off.

Halo Noel:

I cannot in good conscience let this child leave without clear permission from his parent or legal guardian.

Lucian narrows his gaze, then looks down at Jessie before turning on Halo with a frown.

Lucian Slater:

Little too late to be doin' your job, ain't it?

Halo Noel:

I understand. In your eyes, I only care for these children when I am inside a classroom.

Lucian Slater:

You don't know a damn thing about me. And what the hell is that s'pose to mean? Do you want a cookie or somethin'?

Halo Noel:

I want to change every archaic ideal at this stuffy ass institution, and ensure no child gets left behind all because some rich wanker decides to write a bloody check instead of letting their child take responsibility for their own reckless actions!

Halo frowns at the man, but he sighs. Understanding his frustration.

Lucian Slater was a father first. One that saw a hurt child standing by himself, with no authority figure in sight. It could have been his own child, or himself many years prior. So, his first instinct is paternal in nature, and his defensiveness is evidence of his exasperation.

Halo Noel:

I know I might have failed Jessie, but I will use it as a wake-up call. No longer will I sit by and let something like this take place when I have the power to change it.

Lucian Slater:

Nice speech, but if that's the case, ditch school, they can afford a substitute.

Halo hesitates.

Lucian Slater:

Let's ditch this joint, and make sure that one child isn't overlooked because others may need your annoyingly... nice energy.

Lucian clears his throat and looks away from Halo when the man's grey eyes dig into his blue ones. Halo composes himself, uncertain he can trust the school any further.

Principal Edwards exits the building then, hearing the bitter half of Lucian's words.

Principal Janice Edwards:

Go on, Mr Noel. Your class will be fine.

He turns when the woman appears behind him.

Principal Janice Edwards:

You are right about things needing a change around here. And I cannot sit in the office all day, going over reports I'm certain my secretary can handle.

Halo smiles at the woman.

Principal Janice Edwards:

Go. You can return after Jessie is safe at home with his mother.

Halo Noel:

Thank you, Mrs Edwards.

With one last nod, he turns to Lucian who smirks.

Lucian Slater:

That was easier than I thought. Strange, but easy as pie.

Halo Noel:

No argument here.

Jessie Lio:

Can I get Pie?

Halo & Lucian:

Of course.

They exchange questioning glances, but Lucian shoots him a lopsided smile.

Lucian Slater:

You're ok, Mr Noel.

It was something about the way the man says his name and strolls away with Jessie on his arm. Halo had an epiphany at that moment, and it spoke of warmth, or a coldness he couldn't ever escape.


MARCH 18, 2013 | 2:10pm -


LUCIAN emerges from his truck, with a weary look on his face. Before he can close the door, Gael dashes around the car and into his arms.

Gael Slater:

I'm sorry.

His voice is muffled, but the words and apology are clear enough for both Lucian and Halo to hear. He pulls away then glances up at his father.

Gael Slater:

Am I in trouble?

Lucian grins.

Lucian Slater:

Big trouble.

The man smiles in adoration.

Lucian Slater:

But according to your teacher, you were protecting somebody else.

Gael Slater:

Jason is always bullying kids smaller than him.

Gael spits with a bitterness that Lucian understands.

Gael Slater:

I shouldn't have hit him, but he punched that boy first then took my book. I tried to tell him to give it back to me, but his friend pushed me down. I'm ready for my punishment now.

Lucian gasps.

Lucian Slater:


Before Lucian can protest, three tinted black SUVs roll to a stop at the edge of the driveway. Lucian steps away from Gael and beckons him behind him.

A guard armed and studious in black exits from each side, except the SUV in the middle. The driver emerges, fixes his jacket, and opens the back passenger door. Out steps Karim Abdel, handsome as he is regal in his general's uniform. Epaulettes grace his shoulders, and medals dangle from his chest to display his rank. A man of influence and importance.

Gael Slater:

Uncle Karim!

The boy dashes forward and the guard steps aside for Karim to crouch and gather the boy in his arms.

Karim Abdel (In Modern Arabic):

Little prince!

The man beams as he pulls away. Sizing Gael up, while marvelling at his small grin.

Gael Slater (In Modern Arabic):

Today I got in a fight, but papa is not upset.

Gael expertly speaks the man's native tongue. Earning a glance of surprise and delectation. Karim chuckles deeply as he gently squeezes the boy's shoulder. He stands to greet Lucian, who passes him a smile as he and Gael approach.

Karim Abdel:

I see you have encouraged him to speak Arabic. His dialect is impressive.

Karim hugs Lucian warmly and steps away to marvel at him with a wild, friendly glimmer in his enchanting grey eyes. A thing that sparks a glimmer of familiarity in Lucian's blue orbs.

Lucian Slater:

He met a friend who speaks it fluently.

Karim nods with an impressed smile.

Karim Abdel:

Our community in Boston is small, but I am pleased to know he has friends of the Arabic persuasion.

Gael bounds back to Lucian, who shrugs and hugs the boy around his shoulders. A proud smile breaks his face in half, and he gently nudges Gael.

Karim Abdel:

So, tell me about this fight.

Lucian admits Karim into the house, as Gael retells the events animatedly. Soon, they gather in the kitchen, both men enjoying ice-cold lagers.

Gael Slater:

My teacher is the best.

Karim Abdel:

He sounds like a fine person.

Karim taps the counter and firmly pats Lucian's shoulder.

Karim Abdel (In Modern Arabic):

Do you mind if I have a moment alone with your papa?

Gael shakes his head and brushes past Lucian who tousles his hair as he goes by. He turns to Karim, who sports a troubled expression.

Lucian Slater:

I know what you're gonna say, but I have it handled. Promise.

He places his arms up in surrender and gathers bottles to distract himself. Karim glances at Lucian's back, then sighs cumbrously.

Karim Abdel:

What happens when you lose the shop, Luce?

Lucian Slater:

I will handle it.

Lucian discards the bottles, and whirls on Karim. He withholds his retort and takes a deep breath.

Lucian Slater:

I am working on a prototype for the viewing at Hanstrom next month.

Karim Abdel:


Lucian Slater:


Karim Abdel:

Yes, Lucian. However, one call to Hanstrom and you are hired for a very lucrative position.

Lucian shakes his head at the man's words.

Lucian Slater:

I want to earn my place in their mechanics' department.

Karim Abdel:

Which your degrees in Mechanical and Computer Engineering will assure.

Lucian shakes his head in vehemence. 

Karim Abdel:

You can at least let me get you an interview.

Lucian Slater:

No. You've done enough for me and my family. Something I can't pay you back for.

Karim Abdel:

Let us not forget that you and I are on equal footing.

Karim purses his lips then strides past Lucian with a smile and turns to face him in the doorway.

Karim Abdel:

I will honour your wishes, but you cannot fault me for wanting to make sure you and Gael are taken care of.

The man leaves Lucian in ponder, but he glances at Karim when he opens the door and steps out. Lucian throws the man a stiff wave and moves to close it.

Lucian knew Karim was right, and they had been friends long enough for him to be at ease. He however chooses to ponder it, and handle one thing at a time. For there were never-ending roadblocks called his life and owing the man more did not seem appropriate or appealing.

MARCH 18, 2013 | 8:36pm -


BEA LARSON sits in the luxurious penthouse with a planed glass wall, which displays a resplendent view of Boston. She lathers her leg with fragrant moisturizer. Every sinuous movement of her hand almost seductive.

Across the edge of the bed, Chuck sits in one of the two cushioned chairs that flank an ornate glass table.

Shifting uncomfortably in his seat as he tries to keep his eyes focused on his laptop. Running algorithms, and slowly cracking his way through lines of code.

Bea notices his shuffling, and it draws out a sultry chuckle.

Lucas Chuck:

Couldn't you have done that in your exceptionally large bathroom with a life-size mirror?

Bea pauses, watching him through long lashes. She crosses her legs and leans back. The soft white light reflects off her tanned complexion and makes her light eyes glisten. Highlighting every voluptuous curve and contour of her toned body.

Bea Larson:

Calm down, Mr Chuck.

She chuckles and rubs her thighs to wipe away the last vestiges of moisturizer.

Bea Larson:

Are you able to crack it?

Lucas Chuck:

With time, and fewer distractions.

Bea nods then glances out at the city with a distant look. Chuck sits up with a sigh.

Lucas Chuck:

Why is all this so secretive.

Bea looks up, hesitating for a moment as her brows furrow.

Bea Larson:

What do you mean?

Chuck laughs and shakes his head in disbelief.

Lucas Chuck:

You gave me cash, a burner phone, and had the address to this fancy-ass hotel sent in my mail express.

He spans his arms, seeming more curious than she appreciates. Yet she simply gives him an impassive glance

Bea Larson:

Just work on cracking the safe.

She stands and turns towards the bed as she slowly slips the silky robe. Chuck twirls in his seat when his pants tighten.

Lucas Chuck:


He scoffs and looks back down at the laptop, but his peripheral gaze travels to her reflection in the glass.

Bea Larson:

If you're successful, there might be a bigger payday than fifteen grand.

Chuck looks up at her as she steps into a shimmering gown. Her manicured fingers are delicate as she slips her arms into each strap. She inclines her head, not meeting his gaze, but seeing him squirm where he sits.

Bea Larson:

Do me up?

Chuck grits his teeth, but after a ponderous moment, he lifts the laptop and placed it on the table beside him. He stands, trudging over with a confident gait. Slowly, and gently gripping the material to pull up the zipper.

Lucas Chuck:

Hot date?

Bea chuckles when his arms tremble when he adjusts her askew left strap. She turns to face him and places an arm on his right shoulder.

Bea Larson:

Do I look like a woman that goes out on dates?

Lucas Chuck:


He takes a step back and her arm falls lazily to her side. He walks back to the chair, struggling to maintain his cool. Her eyes roam over every inch of him, but she tilts her head and turns back around. She grabs her small, elegant black purse and swings it over her shoulder.

Bea Larson:

Call me if anything happens but use the burner phone.

Lucas Chuck:

This is going to take a few hours.

Bea Larson:


Lucas Chuck:

What am I going to find in this thing?

Bea Larson:

Riches, justice, a girl's best friend maybe.

She smiles and sweeps out of the room, and Chuck watches her retreat with a worried expression.

He wanted to believe that things will be fine. That Bea Larson's obvious paranoia and carefulness means he will be safe if things go awry.


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