
A Promise

Angelina's POV

I turned towards the sound of my mother's voice, my heart racing. Her silhouette emerged from the shadows, arms crossed, eyes narrowed with suspicion. 

My mind scrambled around for a believable story. "Um, I was just... out for a walk," I stammered.

"A walk?" she repeated, incredulous. "At this hour? Try again, Angelina."

I bit my lip, thinking fast. "I couldn't sleep," I said, the lie coming out smoother this time. "I thought some fresh air might help clear my head."

She took a step closer, the moonlight casting a stern glow on her features. "And you didn't think to tell me before you left?"

I shifted uncomfortably. "I didn't want to wake you," I murmured, avoiding her piercing gaze.

My mother let out a short, humorless laugh. "How considerate of you," she uttered dryly. 

"And where exactly d

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