

Stev frowned as he looked at the car parked in front of his mansion. He felt familiar with the dark blue car.

"Is that Lucy's new car?" asked Bella, who walked beside the man. Of course the woman was no longer surprised if the car belonged to Lucy. The spiky-haired man loves to collect cars. Countless how many, and certainly a lot.

Lucy really can spend him money easily.

"I don't think so," replied Stev.

The two of them walked in, and Stev's mind grew uneasy for some reason. The man seemed to know who the owner of the car in front of him mansion was.

And it's true what Stev had expected.

He could see a middle-aged man sitting on a chair in the living room. The man was drinking something from the glass in his hand.

While not far from the middle-aged man was located. There was a woman who Stev hated so much, was standing and w

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