

Daphne’s POV

“Princess, we can’t take any step further without knowing what lays ahead!”

“We’d have to…” Annoyed, I cut him short, “You want my dad to call an army over while I wait and let my mates ruin their lives!”

“Try to stop me and die!” I thundered before breaking out into a run. I’m pretty certain this wasn’t Darren's main plan, they wanted Rex to die in his brother's arms while they did another thing so this place was free of soldiers.

As I ran following my instincts, my eyes trailed over the destroyed area. Rex had done this to his pack…his people.

Was I indeed too late?

Upon arriving at the mansion, my fears increased, causing tears to escape my eyes…worse until Ray, Rory, and Rex were absent.

“Maybe there’s still time” Nina urged as she wanted out, her senses were far much sharper, but I wanted to do this on my own as a wolf won't be able to speak to those heady boys

“Princess, what are you…” one of dad’s soldiers who had been deployed here stopped me as I moved to run past
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