
Snap Out Of It


Daphine POV

"What is going on?" I questioned in shock as soon as I'd left Rory's room. "Why had he treated me that way?"

"Thinking about this alone is giving me headache" Jasmine retorted."Let's just go into Ray's room. We have to win him over before Emily does as the pack alpha has ordered"

"Was Rex right?" I worried. "Are Rory and Ray no longer interested in me?"

"Snap out of it, girl!" Jasmine scolded. "They can't just stop being attracted to us all of a sudden. Something must be causing this."

Nodding my head, I agreed with Jasmine. I decided to take Jasmine's advice and made my way to Ray's room antsy and restless.

Standing Infront of his room, I adjusted my clothes and hair before rapping lightly on the door. "Ray, it's Daphine. Can I come in?" No response.

I rapped on it yet again. "Ray?"

"For goddess sake, what is wrong with these men?!" Jasmine growled. "Just break down the door already"

"Shut it!" I shouted. "I'm already antsy and you're not helping!"

"Daphine, Is
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