
40. Dangerous MoU

[Hours before Camilla puked her guts out and soiled Kairav's shirt]

Mr. Adam and Kairav prepared for an important meeting. They were about to meet a client who had requested weapons supply materials for a Middle Eastern country. This client, however, had a strong aura surrounding him, as he hailed from one of the richest lands in the Middle East.

As Kairav and Mr. Adam sat in the sleek conference room, waiting for their guest, they couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The door creaked open, and in walked a man dressed in traditional Middle Eastern attire. His eyes sparkled with wisdom, and his voice carried the weight of centuries.

Introductions were made, and the client revealed himself to be Sheikh Asaad, a prominent figure in his country's royal family. He explained that his country was facing a grave threat from an unknown enemy, and they needed the latest weaponry to defend their people and preserve the peace.

Intrigued by Sheikh Asaad's story, Kairav and Mr. Adam agre
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