


“Oh, I really can’t wait,” I say excitedly to Emily who has her arms looped into mine.

My heart has gone through so much already, and I really can’t tell how much more it will be able to take. Only minutes after we got to the astonishing venue where the gala would be held, I got announced by the Johnsons that we would visit them in their house in the Hamptons for a Welcome-The-New-Year-Dinner and I’m feeling like the unpopular girl at school that got invited to the party of the year the coolest kids in her High School are organizing.

Arawn and I had spent New Year peacefully. Instead of scurrying through the crowded streets or finding an overpriced table to eat, we had stayed at home, ordered food, emptied a bottle of good wine, or two, and talked about everything that came to our minds. I think all this relationship business is doing me good, in a therapeutic sense. Maybe it’s the sex, but I feel like my anxiety has subsided and I’m going through my days more relaxed, happier
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