


“Sure, don’t worry. Call whenever you wish to see me.”

I disconnect the call and stay frozen, staring into the void.

“Something the matter?”

Gigi‘s worried voice tears me out of my train of thoughts and I smile at him.

“No, nothing.”

I take a sip of my coffee and halt before putting it back down.

“You know, this is the third client that has cancelled his appointment with me for next week already. This week is practically cleared as well.”

He squints his eyes at me.

“Did something happen?” I shake my head, playing with the cup. “Not that I’d know.”

“Maybe it’s just a bug that is going around.” He shrugs, finishing his cup of tea with an ‘Ah!’.

“Hopefully.” I stare back at my fingers that are rotating my cup on the saucer.

“Ah, this feast was fantastic.”

“Yeah. They have a really nice selection for brunch.” I agree with him, smiling up at him.

“Did you hear from Jenna? Let’s take her with us next time.”

“Only if she drags her lazy ass to the gym with us.” He says
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