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“Yo, Colt,” Jackson said as he barged into Colton’s room, holding onto a brown envelope. “We got the file on Raphael Rothschild, just like you ask,”

Jackson was followed shortly after by Levi. Meanwhile, Colton was standing in front of the mirror with an all black suit and tie, the same ones that most bodyguards would wear. It was Friday night and he was dressed for the part.

“Took you guys long enough,” Colton said as he received the file from Jackson.

“It ain’t easy, he kept himself clean,” Jackson said as he went over to the wet bar, pouring himself a glass of drink.

“We can’t find much except for his connection with the Russian mob, but you can read through it, if you want,” Levi added, referring to the file.

Colton looked through the file and scoffed. His cousins were investigating Raphael for a while now under his command, but the things they found were subliminal. It seemed that Raphael Rothschild was better at covering his tracks more than Colton thought.

“This c
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