
54. Jealousy


“Well, well, well, look who we have here,”

Suddenly, in the middle of them dancing, Sierra heard a voice and Raphael stopped moving. She turned around to find a man with platinum blonde hair, similar to Raphael. They even looked alike, except he was older and he looked very familiar.

“Dan, you made it,” Raphael smiled and opened his arms, hugging his brother.

Sierra then remembered who that guy was. He was Daniel Rothschild, Raphael’s older brother who was also a movie star. Sierra had watched some of his movies. He was in that romantic comedy with Emma Stone a few years back.

“Of course, I won’t miss my little brother’s birthday,” Daniel laughed and patted Raphael’s shoulder. Then he turned to Sierra and said, “And who is this?”

“Dan, this is Sierra Ascott,” Raphael introduced her.

“Oh, Sierra. That’s right. Raphael’s told me so much about you,” Dan smiled and gave out his hand. “My name’s Daniel. I’m Raphael’s older brother. Well, one of his older brothers,”

“It’s very ni
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