


“Are you okay?” Viv rushed to my side as I slowly walked into my room. She has my spare key and could come in any time her roommate was being a bitch and unbearable.

I held out my arm for her to hold while slowly making my way to my bed. Lost in need to fall into the soft comfort of my mattress, I forgot one shouldn’t be sitting on their ass after they’ve been repeatedly spanked. The pain shot through me like a red-hot spike, and I almost fell off the bed.

Viv pulled me into a hug, rocking me sideways after I settled into a fetal position. I held in the sob gathered at the base of my throat, I don’t cry when someone is watching.

“What happened to you, Bella? Did anyone hurt you?” She asked, her eyes filled with concern as she released me from her hold, inspecting my body. It was quite unfortunate the marks she was looking for were well hidden and neatly tucked inside my tights.

“I’m okay Viv, I slipped on a liquid on the kitchen floor and fell on my ass. I think I might’ve s
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