
Chapter Forty Two

I awoke with a familiar view, I was in my old cell, the one Rebecca had put me in the day we first met. Footsteps approached and keys jingled. Unlike the relief I had gotten from seeing Ivan walk into my cell that first time, I felt dread as the door opened to reveal three vampires. Two I recognized from the department store, Julius was the name of one, but the other was a new face.

“Nice of you to join us again mutt,” Julius spoke with a smirk.

“Enjoyed our hospitality so much you came back for more?” The one with long black hair chimed in. The third held up his hand for silence. He must be the one in charge.

“It’s nice to have you in our cells again John.”

Shit, he knew my name, Lilly must have talked. I kept my poker face on and my heart steady.

“You know my name, but who am I talking to?”

I had a feeling, but that didn’t make his next sentence go down any smoother,

“My Name is Claude. King of the vampires. As I understand it, our friend Ivan had been spreading lies about whe
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