
Chapter 0307


I don't even know where to start apologizing. I just found out that the last chapter I posted repeated three times, meaning that you guys had to pay three times for the same chapter. I promise that this was never my intention in any way.

it is an issue that was caused by an error in the system that was beyond my control. I would never intentionally repost chapters just to make you pay more because I've already been panicking that the story has been going on longer than I planned and you guys have paid a lot as it is.

I'm in an extremely bad mood right now because of this error. I'll try to have the repeated chapters deleted by my editor, but it would have to be on Monday since it's the weekend. But I won't just do nothing either.

To make it up to you guys, the next three chapters are going to be absolutely FREE. (There will no lock or coins on those chapters.)

I'm sorry once again and a million times. Please accept my heartfelt apology because I'm going crazy here.

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