
set up a meeting

Diego was putting finishing touches to his suit when the for suddenly opens and his aide, Olivia walks in. He shook his head. "I've told you countless times to knock before entering. What if I was naked or in the middle of something?"

Olivia rolled her eyes. "that's why you have a secret room, for you do dress up and do whatever you think I shouldn't see." She ran her hand over his black jacket and then pulled it off of him. "Take that off and put on the grey one."

He frowned and took his clothes off, donning the grey suit.

"Hurry. I have news."

"So tell me. I'm sure you have the ability to make it interesting."

Olivia smiled, but then continued. "The Fuegos Elementary Career Project's draft project is as follows. Check out proposition A if you merely want to keep your dignity intact, but proposal B if you want to put out some effort. I myself would like to suggest option A." She said, placing two files in front of him.

"We'll go with option B, and I'll discuss it with Amelia."

He fel
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