
Chapter 738

The man who entered Tabitha looked at the baby, sucking his thumb with his eyes closed within the womb. An evil smile came across his face as he watched for a moment.

“Blame your Mother, but I will be reborn and take my revenge on those that killed me. After I kill them, I’ll continue with my goal of eliminating all unclean women in the world, including your Mother, as the first to feel my wrath.” The man boasted.

When he was alive, he would rape and then kill all the women he placed his eye upon. Deeming them unclean and deserved to be eliminated from this world. It was only after he accidentally let one escape that his killing spree was discovered, and he was sent to the electric chair for his crimes. He always looked for a way to reincarnate and continue his mission. Just so happened he spotted these two women and wanted nothing more than to kill them, but seeing the blond woman pregnant, he knew his chance had come.

“It looks like I’ll be a handsome man when I grow up.” He said as
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