


Penelope took off my hat without my permission as soon as we entered her chambers and Lucien gasped.

“It is pretty, right?” she asked her father-in-law with a smile and I rolled my eyes.

“That is not the point here, Penelope,” I said.

She giggled. “I am so sorry but I can not just help but say it,” she replied.

“Do you know if you have any witches in your ancestry?” Lucien asked.

My eyes narrowed in suspicion. I had a feeling where this was leading and I was not sure I liked it. “I do not know. My mother never made mention of it. Neither did my father,” I replied.

He was thoughtful for a moment. “It is better that we confirm what I have in mind. I think we should go to the witch that the Alpha took you to, to have your curse lifted,” he suggested.

Penelope bounced in excitement. “Do you think she is a witch? Oh, I have always wanted to have a witch as a friend.”

Lucien and I both rolled our eyes. “Are you not supposed to be taking care of my grandkids instea
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