
Let's Figure You Out


Wordlessly, I followed behind the two guards who conversed hushly among themselves as we moved. I wasn't eavesdropping but I picked up something about a ceremony that will be happening in the coming week or so, I couldn't catch much, their voices were too low.

Needless to say, we arrived in front of the door which they deemed suitable to be my room and one of them brought out a ton of keys from his pocket and picked out a particular one to unlock the door.

“Here, you have the room” He pointed towards the room while keeping the door wide ajar. I nodded thankfully at him and walked in.

Dust greeted me before any other thing and I instinctively stepped back.

“Apologies for that, the room hasn't been put to use for ages but I will get the maids right away to help you with cleaning. Everything will be carried out immediately. Do feel at home” He stated and bowed curtly before the two walked away.

I didn't have to wait for long before the maids arrived. Emphasize the “s” behin
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