
Am I that intolerable?

On the way back, Shadow offered to take Lara canvas shopping while Ben took Dana away.

Ben got Scar to drive them to David’s kitchen.

“I forgot to remind her to buy some plastic sheets.” Dana sighed as she took her phone and messaged Lara in a hurry.

Ben sat quietly watching Dana before leaning back to close his eyes.

“Ben, would you be able to spare someone to monitor Kim and Steve when they go shopping tomorrow? I want to prevent Kim from contacting anyone.” Dana asked as she thought about her schedule for tomorrow.

“Scar, get Scholar to organize this and let me know once it’s done.” Ben didn’t need to think to indulge her requests.

Dana sat back and closed her eyes; as she rested, she thought about a problem. Whenever she needed something, she would flagrantly ask Ben; She felt like she was using Ben. This was not fair to him. She needed to stop this unreserved, unbalanced liaison.

“Ben, I need to talk to you.” Dana looked seriously at Ben as Scar parked in the parking area.

“Um” B
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