
If you hadn't come now, I would have become an orphan.

Dana went to set the table while everyone was drinking tea.

“What the hell is this?” Lara looked curiously at the items on the table.

Steve and Kim also looked curiously at the items.

“Let’s create our masterpiece, eh?” Dana rubbed her hands excitedly. She felt a little heartache at a small corner in her heart. She wanted Ben to be here. She shook her head at the little thought that popped up and turned to look at Steve, Lara and Kim.

Steve, Lara and Kim looked like deflated balloons; all their curiosity had been washed away. They didn’t know how to paint.

“Can you paint?” Lara asked even more curiously.

“Kinda” Dana shrugged.

“Those paintings we have at our place” Lara asked slowly as if she was enlightened “Did you do them?”

“Um. But this is something all of us can do.” Dana added enthusiastically.

“Have you seen me draw? Even kindergartens would start laughing if they saw mine.” Lara twisted her lips in disdain.

“Mine too” Kim rolled her eyes.

“I had to outsource all my lab records
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