
You mistook me for her?

Ben and the rest viewed the surveillance. Ben felt his heart clogging up as he watched Dana’s unconscious body being lowered on to the ground. Ed wasn’t in a better state either.

Shadow got to work swiftly. He noted the license plate number of the white minivan and sent Style to file a complaint with the precinct. Scar, Spice and Speed sat reviewing the surveillance videos from the time Dana entered Randy's for other clues.

“We will shift to Adalase manor. You guys, see if you can take these videos offsite and follow. If not, keep reviewing here.” Ben instructed as he stood up.

“See if the others are available to join.” Ben instructed Shadow and turned to Ed “Maybe leave the kids out.”

Ed shook his head “I don’t think they will listen if it’s not an order. Let them do what they want. We can use all the manpower we can get.”

“I will get my men over.” Frank was about to dial when he was stopped by Ben.

“We can’t afford any more accidents. Make sure the kids are covered. If possible, ge
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