


I woke up with a start and clutched my chest. What kind of insane dream was that? It was already bad enough that I kept having recurring nightmares about my parents’ death. The one I had last night was the worst of them all.

Right after Mama nudged me away so I would use the tunnel to escape, I somehow ended up in Curtis’s arms. What I thought was my nightmare taking a romantic turn was anything but. Curtis turned me around and held a pistol against my temple.

“You betrayed me.” He hissed. Then he pulled the trigger.

I couldn’t be certain whether or not it was real. Maybe he did shoot me. Maybe I had woken up in an alternate universe where he was yet to discover who I truly was.

Or better yet, part of my brain had peeked into the future and found out how I would die. Which couldn’t truly be right. Curtis had explicily stated he preferred to torture the hell out of traitors. If that traitor was me, I would have it much worse.

I couldn’t dwell on it for too long. If I stuc
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