

Olivia's Pov

It has been two days since that incident with Liam, I was lying on my bed recalling everything that was going inside my head, every time I closed my eyes his monsterous face appeared in front of me haunting me even more.

His touch, doesn't matter how many times I tried to wash it from my skin, I was able to feel it fresh on my skin. I wanted to give him a death that even death gets scared of it.

"I don't how long will it take for her to come out of the trauma but in certain cases it takes more than a year or two," I have been hearing voices, sentences saying that maybe all of this will have a major impact on me,sube all of this will send me in depression and it will harm my mental state of mind in a bad way.

The voices in head were repeating Liam's words like a radio in symphony. Doesn't matter how much I tried to get my mind of it, it was of no use. It wasn't ready to leave me.

Even the slightest of someone's footstep nearing me was traumatising, slowly and slowly I
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