

Victor's Pov

"You can't go through life allowing pain to dictate how you behave." I expected her to pine over all of this for a l ng time but what I didn't expect was the fire that I noticed in her eyes. She had the fire to burn the one who brought her to this condition.

I can't even imagine what she must be going through now but doesn't matter what anyone says to me, I'm going to have her back and I'm not going to leave her alone in all of this. She will have me everyone she fucking needs me and I will make sure he repent it's, he even repents breathing on this planet.

I was sitting outside her ward when I felt a hand on my shoulder squeezing me, I looked up and it was Bells, the time she got to know about her, she didn't waste a single minute and came, I don't know who td her about Olivia, maybe the reason could be as she works in this hospital.

"She is strong, stronger than what we thought her to be," and I fucking knew this she was strong and even after all this she was there w
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