

Olivia's Pov

It felt like like I have been lying like this for God knows how long. Every single cell in my body was hurting so much that I was unable to even lift my finger.

I wasn't able to even move.

Blinking my eyes open to an unfamiliar enviornment, I scanned the place, the beeping of the monitor grabbed my attention I looked at my left and saw monitor with wires that were attached to my body.

Where was I?

The place appeared li a hospital. I was in a hospital but what was I even doing here? Memories assualted me and I took deep breathe, trying to calm my senses. Everything was still fresh in my memory that what happened with me.

The abductors, Liam, the way they tortured me and when I tried to elope they. I didn't even want to think about what those monsters did to me. My cheeks flushed red from the tension, panic hitting my senses.

"Please breathe, everything is fine." The nurse came running my direction, checking on my pulses but those smiles, their laughter my cries echoed
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