

This was more, because I could feel it buzzing through me.

“Conor.” My name fell from her lips in a whispered plea.


Chloe droppee her legs and reached down to remove her panties. I leaned up on my hands as she did and looked down, watching her slide the lace over her legs. She kicked them off and snapped the waistband of my boxers.


“Shit.” I practically yanked my underwear off and pushed her up the bed.

She gasped into my mouth when I kissed her hard, and I let my tongue fall between her lips. She lifted her legs, opening them wide, and scraped her nails down my sides.

Her hand sneaked between us and she wrapped her fingers around my throbbing cock, bringing me closer to her wet pussy.

I didn’t need another fucking invitation.

I covered one of her ass cheeks with my hand and tilted her hips up. Slowly I pushed into her, feeling her muscles clench around me as I entered her fully. She gasped, a tiny, high-pitched sound at the end of it, and twined her fingers deep into
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