
26 Zara



“What are you doing with that gun?” My voice was sharp because I was scared. Not sure of the gun or the person holding the gun. I eyed the weapon like it was a living, breathing fire dragon.

Hayden looked up from the thing in his hand. No, you perverts—I meant the gun. His fingers still tinkered with it while his eyes were on me, and that made me really uncomfortable.

What if it was loaded, and he accidentally shoots at me and I accidentally die and then he accidentally gets executed for accidentally killing the Princess of Azmia which he accidentally didn’t know I was?

Yes, I was terrified and nervous… and strangely liking the way his hand held the… gun—gah, body, not now!

“I am cleaning it,” he nodded at the bed. “Come, sit here. I will show you how to clean it.”

“No, thanks!” I squeaked.

“Zara.” There it was again. His voice. Deep and rough and so husky that it made my bone tremble. Either with arousal or with fear, I was not sure, and I was too darn of a coward to find o
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