
Chapter 19

It was over. Her relationship with Magnus had come to an end. She knew a great storm would happen one day, but she didn't expect it to come very soon, and that it would force them to break apart so abruptly. She walked home with a blank stare and an empty heart. The sky above her was getting dark. From a distance, lightning struck following by a loud thunderstorm. People rushed to escape themselves from the coming rain, but she remained slow. Some of the people stared at her in confusion, yet they were passing her without breaking pace.

From the opposite direction, came a familiar sight. Magnus was walking toward her. He smiled and waved at her. Her heart ached as if it was squeezed by a cold fist. She didn't have a heart to say goodbye to him. She knew she would never be strong enough to lose him. She fought back the tears and turned away, running to another direction.

"Ava, wait!" In a second, he already caught up, he grabbed her wrist and turned her to face him.

"Why are you running away from me? Have I done something wrong?"

She couldn't hold back her tears when she heard his voice, the tender care in his tone. She sucked in her breath and closed her eyes. She couldn't abide looking into his eyes when saying this.

"I... I can't... I cannot meet you again, Magnus. We must stop seeing each other from now..."

"No!" He exclaimed at once.

"But we should!"

"Why?!!!" He pulled her toward him so hard their body crashed.

"The duke... I've met him this morning. He sent me a message with your name, to meet at the studio. I thought it was you... He knew we were there yesterday..."

"Damn!!! That fucking bastard! What did he do to you?"

"He told me not to see you again, ever. And if I dare to disobey his order, he will tell my father and Roger. Magnus, you know I'm bound to Roger by law. If he ever found me, nothing could stop him from taking me..."

"No!!! I will never let him, nor any man take you from me!"

He pulled her again closer until her breasts pressed tightly against his chest.

"I can't lose you. I swear I will protect you, as long as I live, no man can ever touch you."

Then he claimed her mouth in a desperate kiss. She was spellbound by his oath. Her lips parted to welcome his warm, silken tongue. The kiss was lingering under the heavy rain, and when he finally broke the kiss, she knew that he only wanted more.

Without a word, he held her hand and they both ran into a barn nearby. The barn was empty, poorly lit and a little bit damp, but it was quite clean. There was some haystack to rest upon in the corner. She walked toward the haystack, he followed behind her in silence. When she turned to him, the fire in his eyes made her heart stop.

He captured her mouth again in a deep, passionate kiss, his tongue plunging deep into her mouth. Despite the biting cold, a burning heat in the bottom of her belly melted her core, spreading a blazing fever all over her. Her body went limp and her muscles relaxed. He broke the kiss and pushed her gently to lay on the haystack.

"I want to make you mine..." He bent down atop her and whispered to her ear. His warm breath tickled the sensitive skin around her neck and every fiber in her being was awakened in anticipation. He loosened the string of her bodice then tugged her white blouse down to her belly.

"God, you're beautiful." His eyes glittering in excitement and she felt her face blazed.

"I can stay here forever just looking at you." He caressed one side of her breast with his knuckle. Totally embarrassed, she covered herself with her hands. He made a quiet laugh and shoved her hands away, lowering his head to lick a delicate peak. She gasped at the unexpected intimate contact, then she felt his bristled jaw rubbed against her soft skin as he brought the translucent tip into his mouth. His wicked tongue circling around the pink areola, licking and sucking the erected nipple, while his other hand pleasured another breast, fondling and pinching the tiny bud. She moaned between short breaths, writhing desperately beneath him. Her soaking core throbbed violently in aching need.

Her eyes opened abruptly when he cupped the pulsing heat, the secret place no one had ever touched. He pulled back from her and spread her legs wide, kneeling between her thighs.

"Magnus..." She whispered his name in surprise. She watched open-mouthed as he began to unbutton his pants. A sudden awareness shot through her and she pulled her legs together, trying to rise on her elbows. He held her back, pushing her gently until she lay on her back, then spread her legs again. She muttered a quick protest, but he silenced her with a hungry kiss, then blazed her throat with a trail of hot kisses and made his way down to her chest, between her breasts, lower to her belly.

"You belong to me..." The faint touch of his scratchy-textured chin left her skin tingled. "I want to claim you, I want to mark you as mine..."

His tongue circled around her navel, making her arched immediately, then it plunged into the tiny hole and she squirmed against his weight.

"I want to make love to you."

"But would you marry me at once, after... after I give myself to you?"

He halted and lifted his gaze to meet hers.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I promise I won't get you pregnant, I'll be very careful."

Her eyes widened in shock to hear his answer.

"That is... that is not what I mean. Magnus, do you really love me?"

"With every beat of my heart."

"Would you... would you fight for me, against all odds?"


"If you really love me so, Magnus, would you marry me? Soon..."

"Ava," He halted for a moment. Seemed like he was struggling to find some words. "I will take care of you, I swear."

"But would you marry me?" She persisted.

Running his fingers through his hair, he took a deep breath and sat upright before her. She rose and pulled up her blouse, starting to tie up the strings clumsily.

"I can give you anything you want. Anything at all. I can give you everything you need. I will protect you from any harm, I will keep you safe with me. All you have to do is to put your trust in me."

"Answer me, Magnus. Would you marry me?"

He sighed regretfully before answered

"Not in the near future, my love. No."

Suddenly she could feel the bone-chilling cold surrounding her, filling her. Her heart sank into a sore disappointment.

"So, you never planned to marry me, not at all, did you?"

"It's not like what you think. I just... Come here, my love..."

He reached her, but she shrugged his hand off and stood up, walking across the barn.


"Goodbye Magnus."

He stormed toward her, encircled her waist and turned her to face him.

"Don't leave me like this. I love you."

He pulled her into his arms and held her tight.

"Marriage is... it's not something you can decide overnight, Ava. I cannot just leave everything and marry you... There are many things to consider... I have family, my parents... and that pompous bastard, Ashton... Like it or not, he has power over me..."

He drew back, his hands still holding her arms. He looked into her eyes.

"But I do care about your security and welfare. Look, I have a lovely little manor at Nouvelle, the closest little town from here. It's not as palatial as Vermont Manor, but it's beautiful, far better than the broken little cottage you're living in now. You can bring Polly there, she may very well like it. You don't have to work and make your pretty hands dirty anymore. I will provide you with everything you need. Money, servants... lots of them..."

Ava froze on her feet when she realized what he was offering.

"You can buy anything you want as much as you please... I will be visiting you by the end of the week, and you can spend your time doing anything you want while I'm away..."

He tilted her chin, angled her to meet his gaze. "I can't wait to build our life together there. My family won't bother as long as we keep discreet and out of their sight."

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