
Chapter 60

She braced herself to look back at him. She knew certainly the purpose of this flirtatious game, and she was not the least bit interested in playing it. However, she didn't want to make a fuss, she had to get through it in the most unobtrusive manner.

"I am Miss Ava Banks of Evergreen Valley."

"A beautiful name, although not nearly as beautiful as you."

"Thank you, My Lord. Now if you'll excuse me~"

"Why hurry, Miss Banks? Do you have to go somewhere else?"


She thought of a more open space.

"I'd like to see the garden."

"Ah, I have a fondness for gardens."

A glint of mischief sparked in his eyes.

"Let me come along with you. There are so many interesting spots there I can show you."

Her breath caught at the wicked promise implied in his polite words.

"I'm afraid I have to refuse your kind offer."

"I promise you some company will be harmless. You'll find that I am the most agreeable escort."

"I believe you understand as well as I am, My Lord, that it would be utterly inappropriate for us to be seen together."

"If you don't want to be seen, I can make some suitable arrangement."

Her eyes widened at the unexpected boldness. Fortunately, some noisy footsteps coming into the room. A moment later, a convenient crowd came into sight. As the group of guests got near, Ava slipped past him and scurried out of the library. When she was already in a safe distance, she glanced over her shoulder. Fortunately the lord didn't follow her.

She wished she had made it unmistakably clear, but she still felt it wasn't safe for her to wander alone. So she chose to stay in the safety of her room until almost nightfall and only returned to Lady Byrne's bedchamber afterward.

Because usually some of the guests hadn't arrived yet in the first day, the soiree would be held in the second day. This evening, dinner served in each guests' bedchamber, and she was glad she didn't have to anticipate another encounter with Lord Blackthorne today.

The next day, when they joined the other guests to have breakfast at the dining room, she caught sight of Lord Blackthorne amongst the other guests a distance away from her, but she found that he was no longer stalking her. She noticed that the earl exchanged smiles with some passing ladies several times. She observed him surreptitiously a few times and much to her relief, he didn't glance in her direction at all. Perhaps he had ceased his pursuit toward her and was now aiming a more willing target.

In the afternoon, she rambled around the garden, looking around and glancing over her shoulders every now and then to make sure Lord Blackthorne didn't follow her. But ever since she spotted him in the dining room this morning, there was no sign of the earl's presence anywhere. A robin perched on a fountain nearby, the little bird chirped as if greeting her. Just when she tried to touch it, the bird flew off. She traveled further to the end of the garden and stopped still as the painting and music of nature fascinated her. Wildflowers grew along the edge of the stream. The trickles of water mingled with the voice of birds chirping. A fallen trunk crossed the stream, made a walkway to the forest beyond.

Grasping her skirt, she trod carefully along the narrow trunk. A rush of joy filled her as she finally reached the end of the bridge. She wandered into the woods in pure excitement. The air was fresh and damp. A shaft of sunlight passed through the canopy of leaves, dappled the forest floor with glowing patches. The beetles on a fallen leaf caught her sight. Birdsongs echoed above her head. The sight, the sound, the atmosphere were reminiscent of her country childhood. She drew a deep breath, filling her lungs with sweet scent of earth.

"I think I've seen a woodland fairy."

She jolted as though she had just caught sight of a snake. She turned toward the voice and froze in pure terror. Lord Blackthorne was standing a few feet away in front of her. His black hair was not perfectly neat and tamed like before, it seemed like the wind had just whipped through the locks, his shirt was partially unbuttoned on top and the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He looked casually handsome, and even more dangerous.

"What a pleasant surprise to find you here in the woods... all alone."

She stepped back instinctively, her blood ran cold. She couldn't think of an answer. In an instant, her instinct were telling her to run. Run as fast as she could. Her instinct were telling her, she was in some sort of danger.

A little voice in her head tried to calm her anxiety. However, he was a nobleman. Even though he was known as a rake, it didn't mean that he was a rapist. But one could never judge only by status or appearance or even track record. Roger was no lesser noble than him. Gentleman by birth, perfectly urbane and civilized, he also had a good reputation in that matter. Yet it didn't stop him from assaulting her. The thought scared her out of her wits.

"My lady must be looking for me now. I told her I was going to the forest."

She prayed it would make him think twice if he meant to do anything untoward. To face such dangerous creature, she had to keep her fear from showing, or she would have no chance to escape.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to the mansion."

She spun around her heels and left without making a curtsy. She was too nervous to care about such things. She dashed across the landscape, fear rising with every step. She heard the tread of his boots behind her and she quickened her pace. Heart pounding in terror, she regretted her venture to this secluded place. No one was very likely to come this way, they were completely alone and unobserved.

Suddenly his hand circled around her waist and pulled her back until she crushed his hard body. She shrieked and bucked against him, but his strong hand held her tighter than a chain.

"Easy..." His warm breath brushed the soft, sensitive skin below her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

"You almost step in a hole."

She looked down in trembling breath and saw a grass-covered hole just inches away from her. He had just saved her from falling into an animal trap. She stopped squirming and forced herself to still in his hold. Slowly, his hand slid along her belly to her waist, tracing a warm, enticing pattern over her skin beneath the fabric before releasing her.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving me." She said without turning. The sound of her heartbeat was still thundering in her ears. She stepped aside with unsteady legs, walking more carefully this time.

Well, perhaps she was too paranoid. Still she felt uneasy to be alone with him. To her great relief, soon they reached the stream. The great mansion came into view. After crossing the bridge, they would be in an open area.

"Wait." He stopped her.

"The bridge looks like it's going to fall down at any moment. Let me try it first."

He strolled down the narrow bridge with a fluid ease and halted in the middle.

"Come, let me help you."

He called, beckoning her over with his head and offered his hand.

She hesitated.

"Thank you, my lord, but it's really unnecessary."

He smiled, a sensuous smile that would turn women's mind to mush, although it made her feel uncomfortable rather than dazzled.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Come here, I won't bite."

She stepped on the bridge and took his hand reluctantly. He held her hand firmly and she looked down to watch her steps. All of the sudden, he pulled her forcefully, and she let out a startled cry. Her body swayed and crushed his hard angle. He held her close against his body, pressing her tight to him. His strong hands circled her waist in possessive grip.

"My lord?"

She recognized instantly the gleam of mischief in his eyes. She tried to wrench away but the risk of making them both falling into the stream limited her attempt.

"Please let me go."

She tried to say it in a steady, demanding tone but an obvious tremor betrayed her effort.

"Of course."

His low laugh made the hair on her nape rising.

"But as you already knew, there's a toll to pay."

She stiffened when his large hand cupped her face. It happened so fast, before she could think about anything, his gentle mouth already touched hers. She gasped in shocked surprise, her lips parted open. He took advantage of it and his tongue slid in like a snake. Her eyes widened and she writhed against him, but her body was trapped with an unbreakable lock and her protest were muffled by his clever mouth. She tried to fight, but when his warm tongue met hers and played skillfully in the depth recesses of her mouth, for an instant she couldn't control the shiver of pleasure running through her whole body. Her hands trembling helplessly on his chest and her body loosened in his arms, betraying all her efforts to struggle. For a moment sensations made her head swim and her body float against gravity. He took what he wanted not by force, but by persuasion. Only when his hands traveled lower to her buttocks, and pressed her against the hard bulge in the center of his body, she snapped out of the trance with a sudden jerk.

She turned her face away abruptly, breaking the kiss. Surprisingly he let her go so easily, his hands fell away, and she could feel his whole body went rigid. She looked up and saw him staring at the other side of the bridge. She turned to look in the direction and froze with a wild leap of heart.

The duke was standing there, watching them with a look that chilled her blood.

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