
Chapter 61

"It's not like what you think..."

She blurted without thinking and scurried down the trunk. She halted before him, looking up at him with racing mind, she couldn't decide what to say and how to begin.


He said without sparing her a glance, looking straight at the man standing in the middle of the bridge. She had seen his eyes burning with fury, but she never knew those eyes could look that horrendous. Like eyes of a wolf stalking its prey. She sidestepped past him and hurried away.

He had just arrived not so long ago, but he made it just in time to see her in the moment of surrender, her hands ceased to push and her body stopped resisting, before shaking in the devil's arms. He saw it all, though it lasted only a split second.

He almost could see her mouth opened wider and took Blackthorne's evil tongue inside and sucked it. He imagined it. Then she let Blackthorne's filthy hand touch her intimately, in the private part of her body.

He had a week in long private hours with her and he never touched her, he had but not in an intimate sort of way. Not that he wanted to, he didn't mean to go such lengths. And he thought she was worth his respect. Everytime he came near, she avoided him like a disease. But in less than half a day, Blackthorne had kissed her, and she allowed him. She let him claim her, tasting every drop of her sweet mouth without any resistance. She gave in to a stranger so easily. Foolish of him, to believe that she was different. She was just the same like all the women who shared her blood.

"Your Grace, what convenient timing."

Blackthorne gave a lazy smile without a nod or a bow, apparently this rake didn't care to show him the least of the damned formality.

"Find yourself another conquest, Blackthorne. That one is not available for the hunt. You will keep your distance away from her as far as you possibly can. Do you understand?"

A spark flashing in Blackthorne's eyes as they met his gaze.

"Very well, Your Grace. There's just one little problem,"

One corner of his mouth hitched up slightly higher in a mocking smile.

"I don't take orders from you."

Blackthorne made the challenge unmistakably clear in every word spilling out of his mouth.

"You unquestionably have deluded yourself if you think you can just walk in and lay claim to all that you please."

For all his life, Ashton had never felt as wild and bloodthirsty as this precise moment. He had assassinated many men in the past, without an urge to kill, without a lust for vengeance. He didn't take pleasure in doing it. But at this very moment, he had both the urge and lust in the most extreme intensity and he would take a great pleasure in shedding Blackthorne's filthy blood to the very last drop. Yet not even the slightest bit of the scorching emotion escaped his voice when he replied.

"I will forgive your impertinence as it appears you have yet to recognize that you are poaching on my preserve."

A few wasn't intimidated by him, and Blackthorne was one of them. He knew Blackthorne was not an easy opponent to outmaneuver, physically and mentally. And the last thing he wanted was to put his reputation on the line with an unreasonable duel in the residence of his fiancée's relatives. It took guile and cunning to completely secure her from this rakehell without making a spectacle.

"I see."

Blackthorne responded shortly as the absolute fact dawned on him. He had noticed at once that the girl and the duke knew each other. She staggered when she saw him and she defended herself immediately. She rushed toward him and stood still, waiting for his command. She obeyed him without hesitation. What kind of relationship did a girl from her station possibly have with a man like him?

"My apologies. Such a sweet tempting mischief she is."

Blackthorne sauntered leisurely past him, muttering casually.

"I don't mind a handover when you no longer want her..."

The day I give up her is the day I go to my grave.

The sudden thought came from the farthest, distant recesses of his mind as an answer. It struck him like a lightning. Ludicrous, he had seen it with his own eyes, she was a minx. She wasn't worth it. Moreover, she was nothing to him. Then why did he interfere with Blackthorne's amorous pursuit toward her? If she wanted a fling with that rogue, what did he care? She possibly had already slept with many men before. The very thought of it wreaked havoc in his mind, violent and uncontrollable like a sandstorm, assailing every bit of good senses in blinding blast of fury. He stared blankly at the empty bridge with one certain thing on his mind. He would not make a fool of himself wanting a wanton like her. Despite all that, he just couldn't let anyone else have her.


As she walked to the great house, Ava was feeling bad and uneasy all the way. How many of it had he seen? What would he think about her? The way he looked at her in Lord Blackthorne's arms reminded her of the old days, before everything changed. When he felt nothing for her but loathing and disgust. She shivered at the thought and began to regret her coincidental encounter with Lord Blackthorne. She shouldn't have gone to a secluded place alone, she shouldn't take his offer to help her pass through. However, he had no reason to be bothered. She was nothing to him and he was nothing to her. She didn't owe him any explanation. As for Lord Blackthorne...

She touched her lower lips with trembling fingers. Her lips still tingled from his kiss and she felt like the lingering sensation there would last forever. It was a kiss from the devil, yet it tasted like a stolen piece of heaven. Sinfully sweet, it was a kiss that could awaken the dead. It had been too long she forgot how it felt to be kissed. But as long as she remembered, she had never been kissed like that. A kiss that awakened an unknown passion within and made every bit of her nerve came to life. She shook her head to get rid of the lurid thoughts. Now more than ever, she had greater reason to keep her distance away from him. The Earl of Blackthorne was temptation incarnate.


"Oh dear! I left my reticule in the music room!"

Lady Byrne sudden exclamation interrupted Ava's occupied mind. Just like the entire guests, they were attending an evening soirée in the ballroom.

"I hate to bother you, darling, but could you fetch it now?"

"Of course, my lady. Are you certain you left it there?"

"Yes, next to the harpsichord, I think."

Ava felt uncomfortable as she remembered the music room was quite far from the ballroom. It was not the distance that mattered, it was the situation of being alone in a secluded place. But she had no choice. She couldn't tell her recent encounter with Lord Blackthorne to the lady.

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