
29: It's about Richard!

Khana woke up to the sensation of sunlight filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow on her bare skin. She blinked her eyes open, taking a moment to orient herself. The events of the previous night were a blur, but she remembered being picked up from the bar.

She yawned, and the blanket dropped, revealing half of her body. Khana woke up, groggy and disoriented, her senses slowly coming back to her. She glanced around and realized she was naked, the covers barely clinging to her body. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized she was naked. Quickly, she pulled the covers up to her chin, glancing around to find her clothes scattered across the room.

She sighed, feeling a mix of confusion and discomfort. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she stood up and gathered her clothes. As she headed to the bathroom, she couldn't help but smile, recalling how Henry had swooped in like a knight in shining armor. The memory of his strong arms around her, guiding her to the car, was comforting.

The shower's warm water cascaded over her, washing away the remnants of sleep and last night's lingering alcohol. Khana closed her eyes, letting the heat relax her muscles. She scrubbed herself thoroughly, a mix of excitement and trepidation bubbling within her.

She replayed the memory of Henry in her mind, his deep voice soothing her as they left the bar. The smile on her face widened. Maybe Henry was still here, waiting for her.

Stepping out of the shower, she wrapped herself in a fluffy towel and looked at her reflection in the foggy mirror. The smile she wore was one of contentment, believing in the comfort of the priest's presence.

She made her way to her wardrobe to get dressed. She wore casual clothes; a plain magenta top and paired it with white sexy shorts.

Khana followed the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee and something sweet wafting through the house. Her stomach growled in anticipation as she headed toward the kitchen, the promise of a delightful breakfast urging her forward. The scent became stronger, a mix of coffee and the unmistakable fragrance of freshly baked Japanese fluffy cake. The aroma was so inviting, and her stomach growled in anticipation.

'Henry must have stayed the night,she thought, her smile widening. She called out, “Henry?” But her smile faded as she entered the kitchen and saw Richard standing by the counter, flipping a pancake. 

Her heart sank.

Khana froze, her mind racing. "Richard? What are you doing here? And why are you back so early? what are you doing inside my house without telling me you'll visit?Her tone was sharp, laced with annoyance.

In the back of her mind, she made a mental note to change the locks. No one should be able to enter her house unannounced, not even Richard.

Richard looked up, his smirk widening. "Good morning to you too, Khana. Disappointed that I'm not Henry?He leaned against the counter, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He added, "Did I hit the head of the nail?"

Khana raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. "didn't need to hear that from you,she retorted, her voice icy.

Richard chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort. "I guess so. But I wanted to ask you that since you might be more disappointed when you realize it wasn't Henry who made out with you last night."

Khana felt as if

a bucket of ice water had been dumped over her. Her heart raced, and her mouth went dry. "D-don't tell me..."

"Yes, it's me,Richard interrupted, his voice smooth. He cleared his throat, and continued, "I thought you were asking for it since you kept clinging to my neck. You even kissed me first. Who am I to ignore my future wife's invitation?"

The room seemed to spin around Khana. She gripped the edge of the counter for support, her mind reeling. How could this have happened? She didn't remember any of it.

Khana’s mind raced, a storm of confusion and regret. How could she have mistaken Richard for Henry?

Before she could respond, her phone beeped, breaking the tense silence. Grateful for the distraction, she pulled it out and saw it was an unregistered number. Without hesitation, she answered the call and stepped out of the kitchen.


"Khana, it's Bettina. We need to talk. It's about Richard,

Bettina's voice was urgent.

Khana's heart skipped a beat. "Alright, send me the location. I'll be there soon."

She ended the call and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. Whatever Bettina had to say, it had to be important. And Khana desperately needed to hear whatever it was.

She walked back into the kitchen, where Richard was casually sipping coffee, looking smug. "I have to go,she said curtly. 

"Where are you going?Richard asked.

"I'm in a hurry,she replied. She momentarily stopped upon reaching the door of the kitchen. She added, "We'll talk later."

Richard raised an eyebrow but didn't argue. "Sure, Khana. But remember, we're not done here."

Ignoring him, Khana grabbed her keys and left the house. As she drove to the meeting place Bettina had texted her, her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. What did Bettina know? And how could she face the reality that she might have been with Richard last night?

Pulling into the café parking lot, Khana spotted Bettina sitting at a corner table inside. The café's warm, cozy atmosphere contrasted sharply with the cold knot of anxiety in Khana’s stomach. She walked in, her steps quick and purposeful, and sat down across from her friend.

"Bettina, what's going on?Khana asked, her voice shaky.

Bettina leaned forward, her expression serious. "Khana, I didn't know how to tell you this, but you need to know the truth about Richard. He..."

"What about him? Cut the chase and spill it out,Khana said, crossing her legs and raising her eyebrows.

Bettina faked a tear. She uttered, "He doesn't have much time left."

Khana's heart pounded. "What do you mean?"

Bettina took a handkerchief from her pouch before repeating her words to Khama, “Listen carefully. Please take good care of him. He doesn’t have much time left.”

“You are not making sense, Bettina. Is he dying or what?” Khana replied, she was irritated and nervous at the same time.

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