

Iris could feel the cold stare from Ollie across the table. She instantly got cold feet about the whole idea, making her question the decision to marry Carter. What if Grandma Martha wouldn’t bless their union? Would she think of her as a whore instead?

"Was it a wise decision?" A voice in her head questioned.

Her mind raced with thousands of questions and unsettling thoughts about what people would say about her, a woman who had divorced her ex-husband and was now marrying his cousin.

Feeling her unease, Carter softly ran his fingers over her arms, still within his grasp. Placing his hands on the small of her back, he guided her towards the dinner table with a reassuring touch.

“Iris darling come sit beside me," Grandma Martha called for her in a sweet voice.

Iris immediately felt intimidated by Grandma Martha and the wealth around her as she took the seat next to her. She was dressed in an expensive lace garment that fit perfectly. Her tennis bracelet twinkled under the grand chandelier positioned just above the dinner table.

Grandma Martha gestured with four fingers towards the butler.

"James, please, let us begin," she said, her tone a soothing melody.

Iris couldn't help but feel out of place among the opulence, her modest attire starkly contrasting with Grandma Martha's elegance. The aroma of the gourmet meal filled the room, making Iris suddenly aware of her growling stomach. With the first course served Iris made an effort to engage in the conversation around her, pushing aside her discomfort. She reminded herself that she was here to have dinner with Grandma Martha, not to feel inadequate in comparison.

"So Iris," Grandma Martha started, " How did you and Carter meet?" Iris had to mentally review the fabricated story Carter had coached her on to avoid any missteps.

" Yes Iris, we would be delighted to know how you met my ever-so-charming cousin," Ollie said with a sarcasm laced in his voice.

Ollie's eyes bore into her from across the table, a silent threat hanging in the air as he awaited her response.

"Well," Iris started, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia, "Carter and I crossed paths back in college. I was in fashion school and he would help with some of my projects. We went on a few dates and there was something between us, but life got in the way, and we lost touch."

Pausing to collect her thoughts, she continued, "It wasn't until recently when we happened to run into each other at a jewellery store near Bukney Street."

Carter's eyes softened as he picked up the thread of the story. "Yes, when I saw her again, it was like no time had passed at all. The feelings I had for her came rushing back as if they had been waiting patiently all these years."

Iris swallowed hard, her conscience pricking at the necessity of the deception. But the memory of Ollie's mocking smirk fueled her resolve. She knew she had to play her part in this charade, for better or for worse.

"It was a strange coincidence," Iris began, her voice steady despite the turmoil within, "but it felt like fate brought us back together."

Carter nodded in agreement, his eyes meeting Iris with a silent understanding. Together, they wove their tale of chance encounters and rekindled love, each word carefully chosen to paint a picture of romance and destiny.

As Iris spoke, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at deceiving Grandma Martha, whose warmth and kindness were evident in every word and gesture. But the thought of Ollie's stunned expression spurred her on, a reminder of the stakes at hand.

And so, with each carefully crafted sentence, Iris and Carter played their parts in this intricate dance of deceit, hoping against hope that their performance would be enough to convince those around them, even as their hearts ached with the weight of their lies.

As Iris spoke, she could see Grandma Martha's eyes soften with understanding. A sense of relief washed over her, lifting the burden of her lie ever so slightly. Grandma Martha smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling with approval. She reached out and squeezed Iris' hand, silently acknowledging the bond between them. Ollie struggles to control himself as he keeps glaring at Iris. His frustration simmered just beneath the surface, his eyes narrowed into thin slits as he shot daggers at Iris across the table.

With each word she spoke, his disdain grew palpable, threatening to spill over into the carefully constructed facade.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Ollie interjected with a snide remark, his tone laced with thinly veiled sarcasm.

"Oh, how convenient," he sneered, his lips curling into a derisive smirk.

"Running into each other at a jewellery store, of all places. Quite the romantic coincidence, wouldn't you say?"

His words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the table as the other guests exchanged uneasy glances. But Ollie, emboldened by his bitterness, pressed on, determined to chip away at Iris's facade.

"And here I thought true love was supposed to be a bit more... spontaneous," he quipped, his gaze never wavering from Iris' face.

"But I suppose a chance encounter in a jewellery store will have to do."

The tension in the room was palpable, the atmosphere charged with an undercurrent of animosity.

Meeting Ollie's gaze with a steady, unwavering stare, Iris took a deep breath, grounding herself in the present moment. She refused to let his negativity tarnish the evening or undermine her newfound place at the table. With a calm yet firm voice, Iris addressed Ollie directly, her words measured and deliberate.

"Ollie," she began, her tone steady and composed, "I understand that you may have your doubts, but Carter and I are genuinely grateful for the chance to reconnect."

With that, Iris completely shifts her focus and attention to Grandma Martha and Carter.

Grandma Martha's voice carried a gentle warmth as she spoke, her eyes shimmering with genuine admiration as she directed her attention towards Iris.

"You know, dear," Grandma Martha began, her tone soft but sincere, "you remind me so much of myself when I was your age."

Iris's eyes widened in surprise, touched by the unexpected comparison.

"Really?" she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Grandma Martha nodded, her gaze softening with memories of days long past.

"Yes, indeed. It's the way you carry yourself, with such grace and poise, even in the face of uncertainty. There's a resilience in you, a quiet strength that I admire."

Iris felt a swell of gratitude at Grandma Martha's words, a sense of validation washing over her like a warm embrace. To be compared to someone as wise and revered as Grandma Martha was a true honour.

Grandma Martha continued, her words carrying a hint of nostalgia. "And your passion for fashion," she added, "it reminds me of my love for gardening. There's a certain beauty in creating something from nothing, wouldn't you agree?"

Iris nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yes, absolutely," she replied.

"There's nothing quite like the feeling of bringing something to life with your own hands."

Grandma Martha's words not only boosted her confidence but also improved her self-esteem overall.

Carter's gaze softened as he intertwined his fingers with Iris's, a subtle gesture of affection and reassurance. Turning to Grandma Martha, his eyes sparkled with a mixture of pride and gratitude.

"I knew you would love her, ma," Carter murmured, his voice tinged with emotion.

"She's everything I could have hoped for, and more."

"When I saw Iris in the jewellery store, I felt a spark I thought had died ages ago," Carter's striking blue eyes bore into Iris's.

Iris noticed a strange glimmer in his eyes as he stared at her. This man must be a pro at acting! She thought. But deep down, she couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her at his touch. Maybe there was more to Carter than she had initially thought. Maybe there was a hidden depth to him that she hadn't seen before. Iris felt a flicker of excitement at the thought of getting to know him better.

She had now gotten distracted, Carter wouldn't want her any longer after the wedding. Her thinking her relationship with him would bloom was just mere delusion. Even though Iris is a sight to look at and would make any man swoon over her, she just wouldn't think that Carter would want her in the long run.

"I've had enough of these lies and pretence!" Ollie banged the table furiously whilst getting up.

Rage clouded his eyes," Ma are you going to allow this peasant to sit at this table with us?"

"Language young man!", Grandma Martha scolded her grandson.

"Ollie, please sit back down. There's no need for such disrespectful behaviour.", Carter said through gritted teeth, "You better apologise to my future wife".

Confusion is evident on Ollie's face as he processes Carter's words.

"Now you've decided to be quiet, I must warn you to respect Iris", Carter said stepping closer to Ollie with each word, "She's a soon-to-be member of this family and I wouldn't want you harassing her in any way".

Carter and Ollie now stand face to face, Carter's imposing size and posture along with his intense gaze made Ollie feel intimidated.

"Have I made myself clear?" Carter said with a stern voice through gritted teeth.

"The wedding is in four days, make sure you have your best tux on cuz," Carter patted his shoulders as he took brisk strides to his seat.

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