
Chapter 35: Couldn't Sleep

Riley took a big whiff of Adrian's shirt, and immediately, her cheeks flushed. Wearing the man's oversized shirt felt like having him wrap his arms around her. At least, that was how Riley felt about it.

"Wow," Barely a whisper, she said. "It smells really good."

Adrian had a special fabric softener and iron spray for all his clothes. Everything in his closet had a distinctly masculine and spicy fragrance.

She swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. With her freshly washed face, she returned to the bedroom, her steps filled with nervousness.

Adrian was already in bed, reading a book. He looked at her, and their eyes were glued to each other for seconds.

Riley chuckled before raising her arms, asking, "How do I look?"

Adrian's eyes sparkled with amusement as he took in Riley's appearance.

"It's a perfect fit," he declared, his voice filled with satisfaction.

The man's undershirt was indeed a tremendous mini-sleeping dress for Riley. It covered her arms and upper thighs; the b

May 31, 2024. 1 Chapter only. I'm a little late today, so only 1 chapter, but after I have my very late dinner, I'll publish another chapter around midnight.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Love him so funny
goodnovel comment avatar
Chelsea Mischa
I love grandpa haha
goodnovel comment avatar
Kristine Annette
Ohh Grandpa Abner!! You make me laugh! .........

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