

Aria’s POV

I stepped out of our private room, intending to head to the restroom. The dim lighting of the hallway contrasted sharply with the lively ambiance of the restaurant. My thoughts were on Samuel, the charming conversation we had been having, and the way his laughter made me feel lighter.

But then I saw them. Victor and Shane were just arriving, walking through the front entrance. Victor didn't notice me, his attention fully on whatever he was saying to Shane. But Shane saw me. Her eyes locked onto mine, and a small, satisfied smirk played on her lips. Almost as if to show off, she linked arms with Victor, leaning in closer to him.

A sharp pain stabbed through my chest. I didn't want to be there, watching them, feeling like this. I turned on my heel and hurried back to the private room, my heart pounding.

Samuel looked up, surprised. "You're back already?"

"I forgot something," I lied, trying to keep my voice steady. I opened my purse and pretended to rummage through it, my han
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