
64. Spill the Truth

"I'm sorry, Amber. I just don't want you to be burdened by new problems," Adam sighed as he reached for her shoulder.

"But you're causing a bigger problem!" Amber shouted while pushing his hand away. Tears were already streaming down her face.

The sight succeeded in widening the wound in Adam's heart. Looking down, he held regret. "I know. This is my fault."

"What else are you going to do now? Go see my parents? Kneel before them and let those men beat you up again? Or kneeling in front of the agency building?” Amber quipped with a choking voice.

As he was unable to bear the guilt, Adam closed his eyes and sighed in resignation. "I don't know ...."

"Just do it! Aren't you always reckless? You always think from your point of view only, without considering the consequences of the other side. Why don't you just burn the building down?"

"No," the man replied with a slow shake.

“You are the best jewelry designer, Adam. You should be able to do the calculations correctly. But why don
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