

At Donovan's words of promise, Boma's eyes flickered with anticipation. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, a secretive smile playing on his lips.

Boma liked the playful side of him. She wanted to see more of this side of him.

Boma couldn't help but smile. "What's the surprise?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Donovan's smile widened, but he shook his head. "Ah, ah, ah," he teased, wagging a finger at her. "Not so fast. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out."

"Tomorrow?" Boma echoed, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "Why not now?"

"Don't worry," Donovan reassured her, "It'll be worth the wait, I promise."

Boma studied him for a moment, her heart beginning to swell with affection for the man before her. Despite his teasing demeanor, she could see the genuine excitement in his eyes, and it warmed her to her core.

Why would he tell her about a surprise meant for tomorrow? Now, all her attention was on the surprise.

"Look I know I wasn't supposed to say it now but
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Why doesn’t she realize by now that that’s actually his way of showing his love for her, by taking care of her and all her needs. No one deserves abuse, but it’s hard to argue against the fact that she tends to bring his wrath upon herself
goodnovel comment avatar
dsk 1605
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goodnovel comment avatar
why does she have to lie

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