
38. The General

I pulled myself forward. I'd been walking for three days without food or water and I had not come across a single soul. My body screamed at me for food and rest. I did try to sleep but each time I closed my eyes in the lonely forest,I would dream about Teris and Eos and wake up even more tired than I'd slept. The trees didn't even bring forth fruits or anything eatable. Just how far away from civilization was I?

I cursed the drayad female and that beautiful terrifying creature again. Stupid Drayad. Stupid beautiful halfman. I hope they rot in hell someday.

I traipsed through the greenery of the woods and felt the sun burn hot on my skin. My mouth was dry and I my vision blurred momentarily. I needed food and water. I needed out of the forest. I decided then and there that I hated forests.

An aroma teased my nostrils. I thought I smelled roasted meat. I was probably delirious with hunger. I shook my head as if to send the aroma away but as I walked,the aroma grew str
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