

"You look like hell, Kaiser." Jaymes said with a smile that made me want to go mad. "I suppose that the past few days have been rather rough on you."

"Yeah, you could say that. What the hell is going on, Jaymes?" I demanded, not moving from my frozen position. Knowing that the man that sat only ten feet from me held many of the answers to my puzzle was driving me crazy.

"Where do you want me to begin?" His voice held a tranquility that irked me to no end. My mind was racing with the impossibilities of Jaymes' involvement, and he was fueling the fire by being in a state that represented the opposite of me. He was cool and calm; a contradictory reflection of myself.

"Why don't you tell me why you told me that Monique was your wife? Why don't you start with how you had me follow your sister under the pretense that she was your lover? More importantly, why don't you tell me about your relationship with the hacker k

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