
Where Is The Bride?

On the first day after arriving for the wedding, everyone checked into their hotel rooms and had refreshments.

That same night, Richard hosted a banquet for his wedding guests to properly meet them and that was when he got the shock of his life.

What the fuck was Debby doing at his guest wedding banquet?

Even Bella, her three friends and Matteo were shocked seeing her there.

It was only when Richard and Bella got to her table that was when they understood the mystery behind her presence because they had clearly not invited her.

“Hello, Mr. Rowland!” Richard shook hands with a white-haired man who seemed to be an important business partner. After hawking hands with him, he introduced Bella to him and the man took the cue to introduce Debby to them.

“Meet, my fiancée, Deborah Clarkson,” he introduced with a perfect smile.

As soon as Debby heard her name being mentioned, she smiled meaningfully and rose to her feet to shake both of Richard and Bella’s hands.

Bella was so disgust
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