

This directed their gazes back on her. Drake instinctively feigned ignorance, following the gaze of the kids.

"Well, guys, I think it's time to go now– Come on, let's get going. I'm sure we do not want to get locked in the early morning hectic traffic " She hinted, draping them along as she head out of the house.

" Aunty – But–Dad" They stuttered with Melissa always cutting in which unables them finishing their statements. 

"We can talk to Dad after school, okay– " She stuttered and howled back at Drake who stared at their back with a sense of relieve as they exited

 "See you later, bro. Just don't worry about the kids, I'll take care of them"

"Alright, Lissa– See you later guys. Daddy loves you!" He answered and hovered over to the kitchen afterwards to which he pulled the fridge open and poured himself a glass of chilled water, gulping it all down in a single shot. He stared through the window as their car pulled out of the house and heaved a sigh of relie
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