
CHAPTER 89: Girls Night Out.

The night sky was so beautiful but Erica’s mind was elsewhere as she thought about the stalker. Detective Jake had informed her earlier through a text that he had assigned someone in her dorm to watch over her that she wouldn’t be harmed.

“So I was thinking.” Lisa began, bringing Erica’s mind back to reality.

"You're thinking?"

Lisa brow furrowed in concern as she noticed that Erica’s mind was not in their outing.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Erica snapped out of her reverie, her eyes darting to meet Lisa's concerned gaze. She forced a smile, even though it felt brittle and fragile, like a paper mask.

"Yeah, I'm okay," she said, her voice a little too light, a little too forced. "Just...thinking about something, you know?”

Lisa expression softened, her hand reaching out to grasp Erica’s in a gesture of comfort.

“Are you still thinking about professor Sebastian? You haven’t talked about him to me in a while now. Have you forgotten all about him?”

“Uh…yeah.” she lied, “I don’t think about him m
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