
51. Not Me


“Are you positive it was her?” Laura asks again, and I can’t help but roll my eyes. Even though she’s keeping tabs on me from a safe distance, her repetitive questions really get on my nerves.

I don’t have anything against her, except for the fact that her involvement with these mobsters seems way more sinister than a cop’s should be. But who am I to question her motives? As long as I get my share of the deal, I couldn’t care less about what drove her to join such a dangerous game. All that matters to me is ensuring Lizzy’s safety, and I couldn’t give a damn about anything else.

“There’s no way to be sure, babe.” Doesn’t she already know this? Things rarely go according to plan when dealing with these mobsters. They’re too crafty and cautious to be fooled by people like her and me. That’s one of the reasons why they never get caught, and even if they do, nothing sticks to them. Like I said, they’re way too careful.

If there’s one person I can be honest with, it’s myself. And
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