
Human after all

He waited for him when he parked the car along the way and Moscow met him with his car, they exchanged having said a few words to each other. Wesley hurried to Moscow's car and drove off immediately.

He got in and saw her sleeping.

A deep sleeper wasn’t she? She didn’t wake up even with the noise she heard.

“I’m gonna drive you home Eve. With a warning not to lay a finger on you. I wonder how I’m gonna do that.” He ignite the car and drove her home.

He turns on the stereo lowing it a bit, so it doesn’t wake her up.

“Why are you here?” Eve yawned, lifting herself from the chair, and stared at him.

“How did you know I was the one.”

“Your cologne.”

“Oh.” He mouthed. She’d know that about him too. He chuckled lightly. “’re almost home.”

“I’ve been sleeping for a long, Where’s Wesley?” She around the car and it was just them.

“Why are you the one driving me, did something happen to Wesley?”

“You should calm down with the questions.” He told her throwing his head over his shou
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