
Chapter 85: MANDY

I hurried back to my car biting my perfectly manicured nails and fighting the urge to pee.

I raced back to the house and slammed through the door at a run. Should I start packing? The thought broke me out in a cold sweat.

I went to my secret stash and counted. Not enough; shit. I had a few fishes on the line, but only one was at the point or close to the point where I could reel him in.

What if I miscalculated? I stood to lose a lot of dough if I moved too soon. But if I stayed and that idiot talked, then I would be spending a very long time behind bars. Orange is not my new anything but fucking orange and it does not go with my complexion.

I made the call after doing my breathing exercise. This wasn't how I usually did things. Usually I had a more sophisticated scheme in place. But time was of the essence and I hadn't a minute to waste.

I caught sight of myself in the mirror as I waited for the other line to pick up, and gave myself the luxury of taking a longer look.

Damn it wa
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