
No miracles...

My tears kept falling uncontrollably from my eyes. I never prayed to be saved by someone as strong as in that moment. I prayed that Hiro would, once again, show up himself like that time I was kidnapped… but no one was coming. I kept holding to my faith because Jay said he called for backup.

“They will trace us, and will find us here, won't they?” I kept hoping in my mind.

Seeing Jay that helpless had only increased my suffering. I couldn't even reach out to him, touch his hand, say that it would be all right… even though I had only hope that it would. There was guilt in his eyes, he probably blamed himself that he couldn't protect me well… How I wanted to tell him, that he did the best he could, how I wished that he could hear my thoughts… All I could do was to mumble incomprehensibly, like an animal with a human brain.

“Mr. Chen… it's time to make a decision,” Deol came closer to me, gazing lustfully m

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ese Nam
Serves you Ana right with all your stupid dumb acts. Sorry Jay but your sister failed you so many times and will continue to do so since she never uses her God given brians for anything than sex nd making out with Hiro
goodnovel comment avatar
Debbie Tupou
Poor Jay had to pay for Ana's irrational behaviour. Why was she still celebrating with Simon when she had Hiro and I hated the way she spoke about Hiro to Simon. You don't french kiss your friend Ana. He is not your friend especially when he likes you.
goodnovel comment avatar
Jennifer Miller McDougall
hoping it changes that they slipped her a hallucinating drug. And Jay is actually ok.

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