

"You do not have to stay here on my account. We will be heading south soon, and I know you must be tired of being around others all the time. Feel free to go home and have a rest of your own." Aurora offered as she walked around the Celestial Garden.

It had been two weeks since the Empress had arrived in the candled palace of the elves. They had been planning tirelessly with those on the other side of the mirror, but just now she was taking a respite in the fresh air with her thoughts. That was until the cranky fairy, Reyan, had decided to join her on her otherwise quiet walk.

He complained of the weather, the hospitality of the elves and of how much better his own home was. It was the last complaint that had led to Aurora's impassioned plea. Really, she would have offered anything short of her already lost kingdom to make the griping stop.

"I would never think to leave you alone in this den of jackals. The elves would walk all over you if not for me..." Reyan asserted. He looked indi
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