
Long Live the...

After a long night of vetting and making sure no one else in the castle was an elf, the two gnomes and the pirate slept in and only dragged themselves into the banquet hall for a late lunch.

The decorations from the day before were still hanging proudly along the walls as a reminder of the new regime. Waiting for them at the table were Ravenna and a coherent Alaron.

Without Cafer's guidance, no one had given him

a sedative. However, Gnomic guards flanked the new Emperor making sure he was safe from himself and others.

Alaron scowled at the king, pirate and advisor as each of them entered, but they ignored his quiet tantrum.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," Cafer bowed before the boy.

"Might as well call me a marionette, oh mighty puppet master…" Alaron muttered in response. The gnome wisely pretended not to hear him.

"Nice of you to join us, gentlemen," Ravenna dipped her head but did not stand. "I suppose you have finally recovered from last night's celebration."

"The celebration if not wh
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