
Meeting with the Maker

Aurora was home in the Castle Valiant dressed in a gown of blue and gold. She looked around the Spring Garden and sighed. It was a perfect day and the weather could not have been more stunning.

"What a cruel dream!" The dark-haired woman cried to herself. "For I want nothing more than to be at home."

"I was wanting to make you feel comfortable, Young Empress," a deep, rich voice answered her.

The events of a moment ago came back to Aurora. She had fallen into the pool at the top of the Mystic Spires and been transported here. That could only mean…

The woman fell to her knees and pressed her face to the floor before The Maker. "Forgive me. I did not mean to offend." Her whole body trembled involuntarily.

The voice chuckled. "You do not need to apologize. I would not have made humans with their own opinions if I could not handle them. Please sit, Aurora."

The Maker spoke with such fatherly tenderness that Aurora moved to a stone bench in the main part of the garden. She could not explai
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